


    Abstract In this paper a simple analysis of the flange forming method and compare several common flange forming,Final choice of three stick symmetric rolling machine as the object of the design of the study design.Vertical motion in the three-roller symmetrical structure on the stick round do to provide pressure to the steel plate, the stick round in two under to do the rotary motion to provide torque to the steel plate.The main topic of the upper and lower stick shaft, pressure devices, as well as the overall structure of the design and calculation.Determine the relationship of the structure and assembly of the main transmission mechanism, complete solidworks modeling and motion simulation, Solidworks 3D modeling including the flange forming the vast majority of parts, so that readers easy to understand the structure and principles of the design;motion simulation results prove the design can be practical.

    Key words: Flange machine  Roll round machine  rolling  Plastic deformation


    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1 设计任务 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 2

    1.2.1 国外发展现状 2

    1.2.2 国内发展现状 2

    第二章 法兰成型机工作方案的选择 4

    2.1 法兰成型方案的确定 4

    2.2 法兰卷制成型方式的选择 5

    第三章 传动及总体结构设计 7

    3.1 传动方案的设计 7

    3.2 电动机选择 8

    3.3 带传动设计 8

    3.4 蜗杆传动 12

    3.4.1 特点和应用 12

    3.4.2 蜗杆传动分类 13

    3.4.3 失效形式 13

    3.4.4 材料选择 13

    3.4.5 蜗杆传动的设计 14

    3.4.6 solidworks建模 18

    3.5 工作辊轮的设计 18

    3.5.1 卷圆的工艺过程分析 18

    3.5.2 卷圆过程中的力分析 19

    3.5.3 三棍受力情况分析 19

    3.5.4 法兰成型的主要参数的确定 21

    3.6 压下装置的设计 22

    3.6.1 卷圆成型直径与标尺刻度的关系 22

    3.6.2 上棍轴的材料及结构的确定 24

    3.6.3 轴的受力分析 25

    3.6.4 轴强度校核

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