    毕业论文关键词  压力传感器   电荷放大电路   数据采集系统
    Title  The muzzle pressure field of Rockets
    Rocket launch, near the muzzle pressure can change in an instant, the shock pressure may cause impact load of gun barrel around the rockets, influence the stability of the rocket launch.So it is necessary to measure the pressure field of the attachment is, according to the pressure field data can make the design of rockets has better stability and security.
       In this context, this paper designed a bazooka the muzzle pressure field test system, to measure the muzzle pressure field.As the rocket launch is instantaneous, so to design a high-speed storage test system to measure pressure field.Design of test system, the choice of piezoelectric pressure sensor as a sensitive element, charge amplifier circuit as pressure signal conditioning circuit, high speed data acquisition system as a signal acquisition and digital device, high speed data acquisition system after processing the signal input computer analysis and processing, which is designed in this paper rocket overall framework of the muzzle pressure field test system.
    Keywords  Pressure sensor   charge amplifier circuit   data collection system
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  引言1
    1.2  本课题研究的应用背景  2
    1.3  数据采集技术的发展及现状分析3
    1.4  本文主要研究内容4
    2  火箭炮炮口压力场信号5
    2.1 传感器选型及分析 5
    2.2  压力场测试时的干扰问题8
    2.3  小结9
    3  数据采集系统的理论基础  11                                             
    3.1  信号采样  11
    3.1.1  信号采样过程11
    3.1.2  采样定理12
    3.1.3  火箭炮炮口压力场信号的采样误差分析14
    3.1.4  信号的采样方法16
    3.2  信号量化16
    3.2.1  信号的量化过程16
    3.2.2  量化编码18
    3.3  小结  18
    4  火箭炮炮口压力场高速数据采集系统基本原理与硬件设计  20
    4.1  数据采集总体方案确定和实现20
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