


    毕业论文关键词  炮口制退器  炮口流场  数值仿真  效率计算


    Title    The muzzle brake structure and flow field analysis



    Muzzle brake is an important muzzle device which is a part of the gun, used to control the aftereffect period of powder gas flow distribution and air velocity, airflow direction.Main effect is to reduce the fire when the gunpowder gas applied to recoil impulse of part to reduce artillery recoil momentum and cannon fire load.But at the same time will bring the muzzle blast wave and noise adverse effects such as harm the gunner and artillery equipment. In this dissertation, the main contents includes Design the muzzle brake structural parameters under given conditions according to traditional theory and experience calculation method of the efficiency and refer to the artillery design manual , using CFD technology to the muzzle brake flow field in the simulation and analysis.

     The inviscid Euler equations were applied to set up the model of the muzzle flow field with muzzle brake,no pill and no initial flow field.The domain of the flow in gun was meshed with structured grids,the domain of the other flow was meshed with unstructured grids and the equations were solved with a finite volume method.The flow field analysis results was obtained and calculated the efficiency.Changing model size do comparative analysis.Analysised the strength of the muzzle brake which satisfied Efficiency requirements and drawed engineering drawings

    Keywords Muzzle brake muzzle blast flow numerical simulation  efficiency  calculation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景与意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文所做主要工作 2

    2  炮口制退器及炮口流场简介 3

    2.1  炮口装置概述 3

    2.2  炮口制退器的分类 3

    2.3  炮口流场特性 4

    2.3.1  初始流场 4

    2.3.2  火药气体流场 4

    3  冲击式炮口制退器结构参数的初步确定 5

    3.1  制退器传统的效率计算方法 5

    3.2  炮口制退器结构设计原则 7

    3.3  影响冲击式炮口制退器性能的结构参数 8

    3.4  冲击式炮口制退器结构参数的初步确定 9

    4  计算流体力学简介12

    4.1  引言12

    4.2  控制方程12

    4.3  数值方法12

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