




    Title    Optimal Design of vehicle retarder                     


    Safety performance of the car has always been the most important point, the traditional braking system has been unable to meet human for traffic safety and comfort requirements, mountainous or hilly jobs for heavy vehicles is especially important. Retarder as a widely used abroad, assisted braking system is most welcome. Hydraulic retarder for the domestic research and development is still in its infancy.

    This article will retarder braking structure and carry out research work, the main contents include: in-depth understanding of the historical development of the hydraulic retarder and the status quo, to grasp its composition and working principle, select the appropriate parameters for hydraulic retarder three-dimensional modeling, and finally the use of CFD simulation models generated by its internal dynamic flow field, three-dimensional model by changing parameters on the hydraulic retarder analysis and optimal design parameters.

    Keywords : hydraulic retarder braking performance, the mechanical structure, 3D modeling, CFD

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  缓速器的发展历史 1

    1.1.1  缓速器在国外的发展历史 1

    1.2  缓速器的发展现状 1

    1.2.1  缓速器在国外的发展现状 2

    1.2.2  缓速器在国内的发展现状 2

    1.3  缓速器的发展前景 2

    1.4  研究的主要方法与内容 4

    1.4.1  研究的主要方法 4

    1.4.2  研究的主要内容 4

    2  液力缓速器基本结构和工作原理 5

    2.1  液力缓速器的基本结构 5

    2.2  液力缓速器的工作原理 5

    2.3.1  不同安装方式 7

    2.3.2  不同进液方式 8

    2.3.3  不同制动功能 8

    2.2  本章小结

    3  液力缓速器三维模型的建立 9

    3.1  最初的草图建立 9

    3.1.1  选取合适的绘图软件 9

    3.1.2  绘制壳体草图并注明尺寸 10

    3.2  完整叶轮的成型 12

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