

    毕业论文关键词: 轴承箱;滚动轴承;润滑;寿命;静强度

    Structure design of the bearing box for high speed train Abstract:Along with the development of high speed train in our country,the reliability of high speed train bearing box is very important. For the technology of bearing box,we are still far away from some developed countries.In this regard, we are still using the production parts of other countries,this also means that the loss of huge funds. In such an environment, the structure design of the high speed train bearing box is the key point in our country. The development level of high speed train bearing and bearing box is introduced in this paper,bearing box in the type of rolling bearing characteristics, stress analysis, lubrication, maintenance, life, materials, and other aspects. The article also carries on the explanation and the computation to the bearing's scientific technology, the content mainly has the roller bearing capacity analysis, the life computation and the static strength.

    KeyWords: Bearing box; Rolling bearing; Lubricate;life; Static Strength


    1绪论 1

    1.1 高速列车车辆轴承箱发展背景及概况 1

    1.2 高速城际列车轴承箱国内外发展水平 1

    1.3高速城际列车轴承箱的技术特点 2

    1.3.1轮对和轴箱轴承 2

    1.3.2轴箱悬挂 2

    1.4课题研究方向和框架 3

    2高速列车车辆轴承箱滚动轴承 5

    2.1 高速列车使用的滚动轴承类型及特征 5

    2.2 滚动轴承工作受力分析 6

    2.3 圆锥滚子轴承的润滑、润滑剂的选择与密封情况 6

    2.3.1润滑的目的 6

    2.3.2润滑剂的选择 7

    2.3.3密封的目的 7

    2.3.4密封的方式 7

    2.4 滚动轴承的基本额定寿命计算 8

    2.4.1滚动轴承的寿命 8

    2.4.2滚动轴承的基本额定寿命 8

    2.4.3滚动轴承的基本额定动载荷 9

    2.4.4滚动轴承当量动载荷 9

    2.4.5滚动轴承的寿命计算公式 11

    2.4.6轴承选型 12

    2.5滚动轴承游隙的合理选择 13

    2.5.1滚动轴承轴向游隙 14

    2.5.2滚动轴承径向游隙 14

    2.6滚动轴承失效形式及其计算准则 15


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