



    毕业论文关键词:列车制动器 传感器 LabVIEW  

    Title  Testing equipment for brake devices of automatic train

    Abstract Brake devives down or stop the vehicle plays an important role, in order to ensure the safety of the train must be guaranteed under all conditions the train braking performance. This made the actual situation at home and abroad as well as advances in technology, in-depth study of the automatic train braking system testing; combined test mechanical devices designed control part of the device.

    Automatic train brake testing equipment is specifically used for the brake performance test equipment, it can simulate the actual operation of the train, for the performance of the brake test, and according to various railway standard gives performance indicators.

    Papers with the actual test conditions, the use of sensor technology and computer technology to the test system measurement and control. Through LabVIEW graphical programming language to write automated test control implementation and the results of data processing innovations, intelligent. Use of PLC technology to achieve the testing process simulation, but the image showing the entire testing process.

    Keywords Train brakes Sensor LabVIEW

    1 绪论 1

    1.1选题背景及意义 1

    1.2国内外相关研究现状 1

    1.3 所做的工作和论文章节安排 2

    2 全自动列车制动技术及原理 4

    2.1 全自动列车制动简介 4

    2.2 制动装置简介4

    2.3 制动器简介5

    3 检测机构装置结构及工作原理7

    3.1 检测设备结构7

    3.2 制动检测装置技术指标 7

    3.3 制动检测装置主要功能 7

    4 制动器检测装置设计 11

    4.1 综述 11

    4.2 检测装置整体设计 12

    4.3 检测装置机械部分设计 13

    5 自动列车测试系统测控设计16


    5.2 传感器的布置16

    5.3 测试系统设计19

    结论 26

    致谢 27


    1  绪论


    1.1  选题背景、来源及意义



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