



    Abstract The drive axle is the non-drive off the bridge. Because of its broad application prospect, has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, reliable work. It is characterized in that the bridge shell is a support on the left, right driving rigid hollow beam between the wheel gear, and a half shaft and all drive components. The main gear box uses the main reducer for combined single stage. Single stage double level than the part quality can be greatly reduced the driving axle. It is structural, small quality, small volume, compact size and low manufacturing cost, has the advantages of simple. The differential is used in symmetric cone planetary gear type. Differential shell is arranged on the main reducer gear. It has the advantages of simple structure, stable work, convenient manufacture and other advantages. In addition, it is used in the bridge shell separation type. The whole bridge shell can be pided into left and right, the vertical plane of the two parts, each part is composed of a shell and an outer end of the axle drive pipe. The characteristics of this structure lies in supporting the main gear box manufacturing process is simple, has excellent bearing stiffness.

    This design from the design of the car type and use, production conditions, and the mutual adaptation and other components. Finally, design requirements of the automobile drive axle,Establish the three-dimensional entity model, verification. so as to ensure to achieve its performance.

    Key words: Low speed truck, Non-disconnect type Transaxle, Driving axle, Design, Modeling, The three-dimensional entity model.    

     目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外驱动桥技术的研究与发展 1

    1.2.1  国外驱动桥产品发展历程及研究现状 2

    1.2.2  驱动桥的技术现状 3

    1.2.3  国内的驱动桥技术研究分析 3

    1.2.4  国内设计驱动桥的方法 4

        1.2.5  国内的发展趋势 5

    1.3  本课题要解决的主要问题和设计总体思路 6

    1.4  预期的成果 7

    第二章  总体的方案论证 8

    第三章  具体设计说明

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