    This research is based on the PLC belt intermittent automated conveyor line, a brief introduction of the belt conveyor of the status, characteristics and development prospects, in-depth study of the part of mechanical and control system for belt conveyor.
    The basic working principle of this project is to start the motor through the PLC control inverter, which can bring the transmission of animal material. In the mechanical part of the conveyor belt I used CAM indexer to realize the function of batch transportation system. In the control section, then the selection of PLC and frequency converter combined control system, adding a series of protective device, for example, the measurement of whether overweight pressure sensor, measurement of the object is to reach the designated position of the displacement sensor, measuring and conveying belt is the deviation of the conveying belt deflection sensors and so on and according to the system specific to achieve the function to the PLC, frequency converter and the sensor make selection.
    Keywords: belt conveyor;Cam indexer,;PLC;frequency converter
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1皮带式输送机的概述    1
    1.2 国内外带式输送机的研究现状    1
    1.3课题研究的背景及意义    2
    第二章  总体方案设计    3
    2.1系统总体结构设计    3
    2.2方案的比较与选择    3
    2.2.1驱动装置的方案选择    3
    2.2.2调速装置的方案选择    4
    2.2.3控制装置的方案选择    4
    第三章  机械结构设计    5
    3.1电动机的选择:    5
    3.1.1电动机上所有负载的计算    5
    3.2减速器的选用    7
    3.2.1分配传动比    7
    3.2.2 运动和动力参数计算:    8
    3.3 联轴器:    9
    3.3.1 选择类型:    9
    3.3.2 求计算转矩:    9
    3.3.3 确定型号:    10
    3.4 凸轮分度器    10
    3.4.1设计条件    10
    3.4.2确定凸轮分度器工位数量    10
    3.4.3确定转盘停顿时间    10
    3.4.4选定凸轮分度器的分度角    10
    3.4.5查阅凸轮曲线参数    11
    3.4.6计算    11
    3.5 滚筒的选择:    13
    3.5.1传动滚筒的选型及设计    13
    3.5.2传动滚筒结构    14
    3.6 输送带:    14
    3.6.1皮带的速度:    14
    3.6.2皮带的材料:    14
    3.6.3皮带的宽度:    14
    3.6.4皮带长度的确定:    14
    3.7 张紧装置:    15
    3.8 支撑结构:    15
    3.8.1 支撑架:    15
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