    毕业论文关键词: 机械手;二自由度;气压缸;可编程控制器
    Today's society is to the development of the information society, manipulator as a supporting technology for the emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries, in the now and soon after the future of the development of social production and process, mechanical hand will play a more and more important role.
    The design of the gas dynamic manipulator and covers the overall design of the manipulator, manipulator mechanical parts of the design and the design of control system, can realize the two degree of freedom motion: the telescopic arm, arm lifting and finger clamping manipulator. In the design, the functional requirements of the manipulator and the shape and the radius of the clamping parts are fully considered. The control system uses the SIEMENS S7-200 series programmable controller to control the pneumatic handling manipulator to complete the part from the A level to carry the work to the B place. Using PLC combined with the corresponding hardware device, control handling system to complete a variety of actions. The design of the PLC control pneumatic manipulator has a simple structure, convenient operation and good performance, in practical production and application of great significance.
    Key words :Manipulator;Two Degrees of Freedom;Pneumatic Cylinder;PLC
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1机械手概述    1
    1.2机械手的组成以及分类    2
    1.3课题研究的主要任务    3
    第二章  总体方案的设计    4
    2.1设计要求    4
    2.2搬运机械手驱动方案的设计    4
    2.3系统总体设计框图    5
    2.4搬运机械手的坐标形式    5
    2.5机械手设计示意图    6
    第三章  气动搬运机械手的机械设计    7
        3.1搬运机械手的手部方案设计    7
    3.2机械手手腕的设计    12
    3.3手臂升降气缸的设计    13
    3.4手臂伸缩气缸的设计    14
    3.5空气压缩机的选型    14
    第四章  气动回路的设计    15
    4.1气动原理图    15
    4.2电磁铁动作程序表    16
    4.3部分控制回路的设计    16
    第五章  机械手控制系统设计    18
    5.1机械手的动作过程    18
    5.2PLC的I/O分配表    19
    5.3PLC控制器的CPU选择    19
    5.4梯形图    20
    结束语    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
  1. 上一篇:PLC链条间歇自动输送线系统设计+CAD图纸
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