

    毕业论文关键词 :工艺路线;工序;定位基准;加工余量

    Tool design for machining cylindrical spur gears

    Abstract:In this paper, the cutting tool and machining process of cylindrical gear transmission gear are designed. Including the tool parameters design, fixture design, process analysis, process requirements determined the manufacture of blank shape, determines the localization datum, the choice of benchmark crude, fine basic selection principle determined the surface processing scheme, parts of the surface of the processing method of choice, provided high gear machining precision, craft route formulation, a reasonable combination of the process, pision of stages of processing, process route, determine the gear deviation, mechanical machining allowance and blank size, hair double blank shape and size to determine the requirements determined machining allowance, determine the semifinished materials size, blank design, process design, processing equipment, determine the size of the process. Machinery manufacturing process planning need to select the mechanical machining allowance, the size of the machining allowance, not only affect the blank size of mechanical parts, equipment adjustment, material consumption, cutting the amount of choice. First forming forging parts after surface heat treatment (normalizing, quenching and tempering, etc.) the design of the main content is how to simplify the process of machining, reduce the difficulty of processing.

    Key words: process route;positioning datum;machining allowance


    摘要  1

    1 绪论4

    1.1 背景意义4

    1.2 课题意义4

     1.3 国内发展现状6

    1.4 齿轮刀具的市场发展趋势6

    2 圆柱齿轮工艺设计9

    2.1 零件工艺性分析9

    2.2 圆柱齿轮的技术要求及其参数10

    2.2.1 审查圆柱齿轮的工艺性 10

    2.3 确定圆柱齿轮的生产类型 11

    2.3.1 机械加工工艺规程设计 11

    2.4  确定各表面加工方案12

    2.4.1 在选择各表面及孔的加工方法时,要综合考虑以下因素12

    2.4.2 零件表面加工方法的选择13

    2.5 拟定圆柱齿轮工艺路线 13

    2.5.1 定位基准的选择13

    2.6 加工阶段的划分 14

    2.7 工序顺序的安排 14

    2.8  确定工艺路线 15


     3.1 刀具的分类18

     3.2 刀具的结构18

    3.3 刀具的材料19

    3.4 刀具材料的选择 20

    3.5 刀具设计20

    3.5.1 刀具结构设计的普遍原则 20

    3.5.2 零件主要参数的确定 21

    3.5.3 共轭齿轮主要参数的确定 22

    3.5.4 刀具的设计和主要参数计算 22

    4 夹具设计31

    4.1 夹具设计要求31

    4.2 夹具设计31

    4.2.1 定位基准的选择32

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