    摘要:独立运行风力发电系统是一种小功率离网运行的风力发电系统,设计这种风电设备旨在为小型负载提供可靠的电能,并且达到节能的目的。系统的设计以东南沿海地区为地点,根据当地风能资源资料,确定了直驱式水平轴风力发电机的总体设计方案。独立运行风力发电系统包括风力机、发电机、蓄电池、控制系统及逆变设备等,其中风力机利用叶片捕获风能,通过主轴直接驱动发电机,发出的电能直接供给交流负载。多余的电能配备蓄电池将其储存起来,在无风时通过逆变器转换后可供负载使用,也可直接供给直流负载。控制系统对电路进行保护,防止蓄电池过充过放电。根据风力机气动设计原理确定合理的风力机气动参数及叶片类型,如风轮直径为 6.5m,采用 NACA-4415 型叶片。选取合理的能保证系统稳定运行的其他配套设备,发电系统设计功率达到 5kW。独立运行风力发电系统在偏远及沿海等远离电网地区具有很高的经济性和实用性,对未来小型风能利用技术的推广具有重要意义。7097
    关键词:风力发电;独立运行;直驱式发电 The Design of Independent Operation Wind Power
    Generation System
    Abstract:  The independent operation wind power generation system is a low-power  and
    grid-off wind power system.  This small-scale wind power equipment designed to provide
    reliable power to small load, and save energy. The system is designed as a place to the southeast
    coastal areas. According to the local wind resource data, the total design program of direct drive
    horizontal axis wind turbine is determined.  Independently  operating  wind power generation
    system includes a wind machines, generators, batteries, control systems and the inverter device,
    etc., which take advantage of the wind  turbine blade energy capture, the spindle direct drive
    generator, the power generated directly supplied AC load. More power with battery save it up in
    no wind converted by the inverter used for load, only direct supply DC loads. Control system
    circuit protection to prevent battery overcharge and over-discharge. According wind turbine
    aerodynamic design principles to determine a reasonable wind turbine aerodynamic parameters
    and leaf type, such as wind wheel diameter of 6.5m, using NACA-4415 type blades. The system
    reaches design power of 5kW,. The independent operation wind power generation system has
    high  economy  and practicability  in remote  and  coastal areas  faring  from the grid, which has
    great significance to  the promotion of small-scale wind energy utilization technology  in the
    Keywords: Wind power; off-grid and independent operation; direct drive power generation
    1 绪论  . 1
    1.1 引言  ... 1
    1.2 独立运行风力发电技术的背景及意义  ... 1
    1.3 独立运行风力发电系统的结构  ... 2
    1.4 独立运行风力发电系统的发展及新技术  ... 3
    1.4.1 发展现状   3
    1.4.2 垂直轴独立运行风力发电系统   3
    1.4.3 独立运行风力发电直驱式系统   4
    1.5 典型独立运行风力发电系统应用领域  ... 5
    1.6 独立运行风力发电系统的特点分析  ... 6
    1.6.1 优越性   6
    1.6.2 合理性   6
    1.6.3 可行性   6
    1.7 小结  ... 7
    2 独立运行风力发电系统的设计  . 8
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