    Bearing rotor comprehensive test bench test system design
    Abstract: Bearing rotor system is widely used in energy, power, aerospace, and other rotating machinery. Bearing rotor system research, in recent years has been a research focus in the mechanical dynamics. Bearing rotor system at the present stage in the study of stability considering more factors, such as roundness error, surface roughness, the alignment error and flow viscous heating temperature, etc., under the influence of these factors, bearing rotor system prone to vibration, and by the resonance of the whole system. Bearing rotor comprehensive test bench test system based on preventing the destruction of resonance of the system. Bearing rotor comprehensive experiment platform, is the use of electric motor drive test objectives (bearing) rotation, through the simulation of exciting force to different vibration test bench, and the vibration sensors under different exciting force test data. In addition, the experiment on load sensor and torque sensor, is used to test the rotor torque. In each parameter data is collected by signal acquisition system, the input of the LabVIEW virtual software for data analysis to get the vibration of the rotor bearing system in time domain and frequency domain signals.
     Keywords: Bearing rotor system; Vibration; The excitation; The LabVIEW
    1 前言    3
    1.1 研究背景    3
    1.2轴承转子系统的振动与共振    3
    1.2.1振动与共振    3
    1.2.2引起轴承转子系统振动的原因    4
    2 设计方案的确定    6
    2.1 轴承转子综合实验台测试系统简述    6
    2.2 设计要求    7
    2.3 确定最终方案    8
    3 试验箱体设计    10
    3.1 材料的选择    10
    3.2 结构的选择    10
    4 传动部分的设计    12
    4.1 轴承的选择    12
    4.2 电动机的选择    13
    4.2.1 直流电动机的结构和原理    14
    4.2.2 直流电机的特点    14
    4.2.3 电动机的功率计算    15
    4.2.4 选择电动机型号    15
    4.3 转子的校核    16
    4.3.1 转子的强度校核    17
    4.3.2 转子的刚度校核    18
    4.4 键的连接及选择    19
    4.4.1 键的选择    19
    4.4.2 键的校核    20
    5 测试系统设计    22
    5.1 测试系统的组成    22
    5.2 传感器的选择及安装    22
    5.2.1 扭矩传感器    23
    5.2.2 振动传感器    25
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