




    Using computer technology for dismantling with low cost, safety and convenience features, and of great significance in practical applications. To establish a strong realistic virtual environment, designers can interactively in a virtual environment for product design, assembly operations and planning, inspection and evaluation of products, assembly performance, and the development of rational assembly. Use the technology to optimize product design, to avoid or reduce the production of physical models, shorten development cycles, lower costs for complex products, in order to achieve the parallel development of products, to improve the assembly quality and efficiency, improve after-sales service of products.

    Lathe CJO822C instrument, the use SolidWorks2010 software to its virtual prototyping, assembly, and generates the exploded diagram, and finally through the video clip to the performance of the disassembly process. The whole structure of the instrument lathe and measurement, the component parts were classified according to their structural characteristics, select the appropriate solid modeling, 3D solid modeling software SolidWorks2010 conducted a three-dimensional entities to build the various components of the machine mode, and the whole virtual assembly, reuse SolidWorks20010 software that comes with the exploded diagram features a virtual demolition of the assembly drawing, and ultimately generate a disassembly animation. Typical parts CNC machining, measurement, development of processing technology, the use MastercamX5 software and a small amount of manual programming, resulting in the box processing procedures, re-use software Vericut, import procedures, thus simulating the processing spindle box. Ultimately to produce analog CNC machining video.

    Keywords: Instrument lathe; SolidWorks software; three-dimensional modeling; CNC machining; simulation 


    第一章   绪论 1

    1.1计算机三维造型仿真概述 1

    1.2国内外计算机拆装仿真研究概况 1

    1.2.1计算机虚拟装配技术现状 2

    1.2.2计算机虚拟装配技术研究的发展趋势 2

    1.3课题研究的价值 3


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