
    摘要减速器的测绘是工程图学课程训练的内容之一,测绘之前应该对测绘对象有个基本的认识,但是目前学生只是通过纸质的文本来加以了解,这样的方式有些缺点,如不直观、必须要到实验室对着实物进行、看不到其运动状态等。此次毕业设计通过对一级圆柱齿轮减速器的测绘,并利用SOLIDWORKS进行减速器所有零件的三维建模,然后进行装配,再利用CAD完成非标件的零件图及减速器的装配图。接着将SOLIDWORKS零件导入3DSMAX中,并转换成Cult 3D可以利用的[*.c3d]格式。利用Cult3D实现虚拟环境下一级圆柱齿轮减速器虚拟拆装,并且通过FrontPage制作的简单网页在Internet上发布一级圆柱齿轮减速器虚拟拆装,从而实现网络动态显示和交互拆装功能。49540

    研究表明,利用Cult 3D软件减速器的交互拆装是可以实现的,而且其先进的压缩技术不仅提高了虚拟拆装的真实性而且更适用于网络传输。此次研究成果不仅使学生更加直观的认识减速器的运动状态而且使得学生更容易接受和掌握知识。


    Abstract The mapping of tne reducer is one of the engineering graphics course training content. Before the mapping, we should have a basic understanding of the mapping objects, but now students only through the paper text to understand. This way has some shortcomings, such as not intuitive、must to the laboratory to practise、not see its state of motion and so on. The design of graduation through the mapping of a cylindrical gear reducer, using Solidworks three-dimensional modeling of all parts of the reducer and the assembly, then using CAD to complete the non-standard part drawings and assembly drawings of the reducer. Then importing the parts of Solidworks into 3DSMAX and converting it into [*.c3d]format that Cult 3D can use.we use Cult 3D to realize the virtual dismantling of the virtual environment of a cylindrical gear reducer, then by the FrontPage to produce simple web pages and publish the virtual dismantling of a cylindrical gear reducer on the Internet, in order to achieve the network dynamic display and interaction disassembly.

    Studies have shown that, the reducer interactive disassembly can be realized by Cult 3D, and its advanced compression technology not only improves the authenticity of the virtual dismantling but also is more suitable for network transmission. The research results is not only to make students more intuitive understanding the motion state of the reducer but also makes students easy to accept and grasp knowledge.

    Key words: Mapping; Solidworks; 3DSMAX; Cult 3D; FrontPage


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 相关领域的研究进展与成果 1

    1.2.1 CULT3D的研究进展与成果 2

    1.2.2 虚拟现实技术的实用价值 3

    1.2.3 SOLIDWORKS的实用价值 4

    1.3 本课题的重点难点 4

    1.4 本课题的实际意义 4

    1.5 本课题总体设计思路 4

    第二章  减速器的测绘 6

    2.1 测绘目的 6

    2.2 测绘内容 6

    2.3 测绘工具 7

    2.4 测绘具体步骤 7

    2.4.1 拆卸减速器 7

    2.4.2 测绘各非标准件 7

  1. 上一篇:液压卡压钳+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:FrontPage工程图学网络练习系统的开发+CAD图纸
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