



    Abstract This article is briefly introduced with the vehicle the hoist crane structure and the characteristic, the system design with the vehicle hoist crane performance index as well as the principle computation which has expanded and contracted about various arms. Design idea is based on actual loading and unloading on the market at present labor intensity bigger and can't use mechanical way to replace or don't have the mechanical condition of loading and unloading down for design. This article includes the crane of 3D modeling and telescopic part of the design.

    This design main content and request: Design a simple manual lifting device, hoisting weight of 100 kg, rendering the lifting equipments of the assembly drawing. Through the analysis and the computation, I determined each arm the section size and the section shape, design each arm between the concrete structure and the arm connection way, The design idea of deft and agile can folding lifting equipments, so choose manual instead of motor lift the weight. Thought especially the arm design is most important, regarding this I with emphasis considered.

    Key words:   With the vehicle hoist crane ;Expands and contracts the arm ; manual 


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 随车起吊装置的主要分类 1

    1.3 国内外汽车起吊装置的发展 1

    1.3.1 国外发展现状 1

    1.3.2 我国发展现状 2

    1.3.3 随车起重机的发展趋势 3

    第二章  随车起重机的性能参数 9

    2.1 性能参数 9

    2.2 计算载荷与设计方法 10

    第三章  悬梁折叠式汽车起吊装置的三维建模 13

    3.1 对SOLIDWORKS软件的基本功能的介绍 13

    3.2 方案一的建模 13

    3.3 方案二的建模 14

    第四章  各部件的设计与校核 16

    4.1 各臂长的计算 16

    4.2 吊臂截面的选择 17

    4.2.1 基本臂的设计 24

    4.2.2 第二节臂的设计(h=190mm,b=120mm) 26

    4.2.3 第三节臂的设计(h=178mm,b=108mm) 28

    4.3 耳板及轴销的设计 30

    4.3.1 耳板校核 30

    4.3.2 立柱与基本臂铰接处轴的校核

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