



    Abstract The shipbuilding industry is a shipping and marine development to provide the main equipment of strategic industries, Is to protect national security, ensure national energy strategy and marine rights and interests of the important industrial base. "Fifteen" during, industry of our country shipping obtained the achievement attract people's attention, "eleven five" is our country shipbuilding industry to the big country of the first shipbuilding goal and Realization from big to strong critical period of development, but the ship equipment development lag, restricted the healthy development of China Shipbuilding industry. Anchor windlass for ship equipment one of the main equipment, on the safe operation of the ship has a very important role, but the current design method of conservative, efficiency is low, cannot carry on the comprehensive analysis and calculation of bearing capacity, theoretical and actual load large difference between. In order to manufacture cost, cycle and market rapid response to meet the needs of the market, improve the competitiveness of their products, to the anchor windlass to carry out 

    Based on the known conditions of 80000 tons deadweight ship outfitting number calculated by outfitting, choice of the number of anchor and anchor chain, anchor chain to determine through determination of chain wheel, and then select gypsyhead, standard parts of the identified as non-standard parts determined, according to the known conditions in the reel diameter and speed determination of main dimensions, and then determines the transmission gear box and the gear box, the parts can be determined from the height of the bracket, in the size of the whole decision, and then determine the base size.Then establish the three-dimensional solid model, and carry out the assembly.The finite element simulation analysis for some key parts, and puts forward the optimization.

    Key words:Anchor windlass design   Anchor and mooring equipment spare parts  Finite element  analysis

    目  录

    摘  要 V

    Abstract VI

    目  录 VIII

    第一章 绪 论 1


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