



    ABSTRACT This has carried on the structural design compute for main parts of the crank link mechanism in the gasoline engine with four cylinders, and has carried on theoretical analysis and simulation analysis in computer in kinematics and dynamics for the crank link mechanism.

    First, motion laws and stress in movement about the crank link mechanism are analyzed in detail and the precise analysis results are obtained. Next separately to the linkage and the crank carries on the detailed structural design, and has carried on the structural strength and the rigidity examination. Once more, applies three-dimensional CAD software Pro/Engineer establishing the geometry models of all kinds of parts in the crank link mechanism, then using the Pro/E software assembling function assembles the components of crank link into the piston module, the connecting rod module and the crank module, then using Pro/E software mechanism analysis module (Pro/Mechanism), establishes the multi-rigid dynamics model of the crank link, and carries on the kinematics analysis and the dynamics analysis simulation, and it studies the piston and the connecting rod movement rule as well as crank link motion gear movement envelopment. The analysis of simulation results shows that those simulation results are meet to true working state of engine. It also shows that the simulation method introduced here can offer a new efficient and convenient way for the mechanism choosing and optimized design of crank-connecting rod mechanism in engine.

    Key words: Crankshaft-Connecting Rod Mechanism;Analysis of Force;Engine;Pro/E;Modeling of Simulation;Movement Analysis

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外的研究现状 1

    1.3 研究的主要内容 3

    第2章 曲柄连杆机构的运动规律及受力分析 4

    2.1 曲柄连杆机构的类型及方案选择 4

    2.2 曲柄连杆机构运动学 4

    2.1.1 活塞位移 5

    2.1.2 活塞的速度 6

    2.1.3 活塞的加速度 6

    2.2 曲柄连杆机构中的作用力

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