

    摩托车的外特性主要包括示功特性和速度特性,本文主要介绍的是摩托车减震器示功特性的测试系统研究,减震器的示功特性是指减震器阻尼力-位移 之间的关系,表示减震器在压缩和复原两个过程中阻尼变化的特性,当摩托车行驶在路面不平或遇到障碍时,弹簧能缓冲振动,阻尼则通过吸收能量衰减振动,阻尼对摩托车工作性能起着关键作用,因此阻尼力与位移的封闭关系曲线示功图,是考核摩托车性能的重要手段。

    该课题研究的主要内容是采用研华PCI-1711L及PCI-1761板卡进行数据采集及控制,并能将采集到的数据以图形式的方式显示同时实习对变频器的控制,以实现对电机的调速,结合题目通过软件设计及编程,设计出能显示摩托车减震器在工作时减震器的示功特性及阻尼力-位移 之间的关系的控制界面,画出减震器的示功特性曲线,通过分析力曲线,判断减震器是否合格,并且可以将测试结果进行存储、打印,用于以后的减震器设计和研究。


    Abstract   This paper gives a brief introduction of shock absorber, shock absorber is second only to the engine in the motorcycle key parts, it is the motorcycle suspension and wheels of flexible connection link, shock absorber performance has a direct influence on the bearing capacity of the vehicle and the operation stability, and in the process of vehicle comfort and safety and improve vehicle use life, so the shock absorber performance testing is more important.

        The characteristics of the motorcycle mainly includes the damping-displacement characteristic and speed characteristics, this paper mainly introduces the motorcycle damper is the damping-displacement characteristic test system research, shock absorber damping-displacement characteristic is to point to shock absorber damping force-displacement, the relationship between the shock absorber in the compression and recovery said two process characteristics of damping change, when driving on the road uneven or motorcycle barriers, the spring can buffer vibration, the damping is through the absorption energy attenuation vibration, the damping performance of motorcycle work plays a key role, so the damping force and displacement curve of the closed relationship between the damping-displacement figure, is an important means of motorcycle performance evaluation.

    This subject research is the main content of the inquiry China PCI-1711 L and PCI-1761 interface card in data collection and control, and the data collected form in way of displaying and at the same time in the practice of control, in order to realize the speed of the motor, combined with the subject through the software design and programming, design a motorcycle damper can show at work of shock absorber damping-displacement characteristic and the damping force-displacement of the relationship between control interface, draw the damping-displacement characteristic curve of shock absorber, through the analysis of strength curve, judge whether the shock absorber qualified, and can be stored, printed test results, after the shock absorber for design and research.

    Keywords: shock absorber; damping-displacement characteristic;and work figure目  录

    第一章  绪论 8

    1.1 选题背景 8

    1.2 减震器性能检测的意义

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