


    毕业论文关键词:减震器; 静负荷特性;试验台


    The shock absorber for motorcycle is the flexible link to join the bracket and the wheel of the motorcycle,which acts as the cushions . The technical requirements of shock absorber include force —stroke characteristics, force —velocity characteristics, force —temperature characteristics, static friction force, static load characteristics and so on. Static  load characteristics was included in some technical requirements , which were added in the latest industrial standard—QC/T62—2007《The Technical Conditions and Test Methods on Motorcycles and mopeds》.Static load characteristics , which include air spring characteristics, damping spring static characteristics, static friction force , hydraulic pressure ,plays important role in deciding on the lifetime of shock absorber as well as during the design and development of shock absorber . This paper is aimed to design a test bench to test the static load characteristics of shock absorber.

    Firstly ,the paper studies the classification, elements and performances of the absorber.Secondly, this paper choose the scheme of mechanical driving by comparing the features of three different schemes including mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic  projects as well as design a three-level driving equipment which is comprised by gear motor, synchronous belt, screw nut .Through these designs, the problem of crawl is solved .Secondly , this paper design a jig which can fasten two shock absorbers at the same time .A device constituted by screw and slider block is applied in this jig to adjust the degree of shock absorber. Fourthly ,the paper develops a mobile table through screw and slide way to realize the function of regulating the position of different styles of shock absorber when they are being tested.  The mobile table is drove by twirling the hand wheel to twirl the screw to move up and down and right and left. Finally, I make the parts drawings and assembly drawing through AutoCAD , make 3D models through Solidworks to check if this test bench approach the functions .

    Keywords: shock absorber; static load characteristics; test bench


    第一章 绪论 1


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