

    军事指挥员通过这种技术可以模拟战场进行军事推演;建筑师可以直接设计出宏伟的高楼大厦;而我们只要上网就能游览名胜古迹等。而图形编辑就是虚拟现实技术的一个重要的部分,OpenGL就是近几年发展起来的一个性能卓越的图形标准, OpenGL是功能强大的开放式图形库,它已经成为一个工业标准的计算机图形软件开发接口,并广泛应用于游戏开发、流体力学、建筑、产品设计、医学、地球科学等领域。虽然微软有自己的三维编程开发工具DirectX,但它也提供OpenGL图形标准,因此,OpenGL在计算机图形技术中广泛应用。  49799



    ABSTRACT With the development of computer graphics and visualization technology, we can use the computer to accurately represent the real world of colorful three-dimensional objects, and give full play to their creative thinking, through the human-computer interaction simulation, transform the real world, this is by far the most popular virtual reality technology. 

    Through this technology, the architect can direct design the beautiful building model; Military commanders can simulate the battlefield military exercise; the web cam could excurse museum, scenic spot and historic resort being confined at home and so on. And the most important part of virtual reality technology is graphical editor. OpenGL is a powerful open graphics library. And OpenGL is developed in recent years, a high performance 3D graphics standard. It has become an industry standard of computer graphic interface, software development and is widely used in game development, architecture, product design, medical science, earth science, fluid mechanics, etc. While Microsoft has its own 3D programming DirectX development tool, but it also provides the OpenGL graphics standards, therefore, OpenGL is widely used in the computer. 

    The design using OpenGL tools to create small CAD system platform, platform implementation through VC++ to establish the basic framework, using the OpenGL library to build platform for all parts of function, the development of small CAD system, can draw all kinds of basic graphics, and can display the 3D graphics with OpenGL technology call. 

    Key Word: Computer graphics , OpenGL , VC++ , CAD system 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题概述 1

    1.1.1课题研究背景和意义 1

    1.1.2课题研究内容 1

    1.1.3国内外发展趋势 2

        1.2 计算机图形学简介 2

        1.3 CAD介绍 3

    第二章 OpenGL图形库及其应用 6

    2.1 OpenGL简单介绍 6

    2.1.1 OpenGL特点和功能 6

    2.1.2 OpenGL图形库 7

    2.1.3 OpenGL的发展 9

    2.2开发平台环境介绍 10


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