




    Abstract Piles mainly used for loading and unloading bulk material loading machine, but also for mild shovel. Because it is used in construction, mining, railway, highway, water and electricity of each department of national economy, therefore, at home and abroad, the development of production and variety are faster, is a main kind of Engineering machinery.

    Loader according to different requirements, develop and form a different structure types. Usually, by the use of different occasions, into the open hole with a loader and loader; according to the running system, pided into the wheel loader and crawler loaders; by discharge in different ways, into the former dump (front), after unloading type and rotary type loader.

    Graduation thesis this first loader development of guiding ideology, characteristics, task of survey and design, and then determine the scheme, in the technical design part of the main technical performance and the parameters of the existing loader is presented, the calculation of the tractive characteristics. Design of working device, including its bucket selection include: structure, specific parameters, bucket capacity. Then is to include some component size data computing boom and linkage design of the linkage mechanism, calculation and working device of the strength, the analysis method for the calculation of stress analysis, the final design of working device of loader.

    Keywords: loader, working , swing arm , connecting rod, rocker arm 

    目 录

    第一章 装载机的发展和应用 1

    1.1装载机概述 1

    1.2装载机的发展 2

        1.2.1 国内装载机的发展状况 2

        1.2.2 国外装载机发展趋势 3

    第二章 总体设计参数的确定 5

    2.1装载机阻力的确定 5

    2.1.1插入阻力 5

    2.1.2动臂提升产生的阻力 6

    2.1.3  转斗所产生的阻力矩 6

    2.2装载机的整体装配 7

    2.2.1 总体设计的内容 7

    2.2.2 总体设计的原则 7

    2.2.3 设计中应考虑的机器性能 8

    2.3装载机工作装置的设计 8

    2.3.1 工作装置设计

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