


    (1) 调研收集分析有关资料,整理有关焊接管件图纸及焊接工艺资料;

    (2) 制定管件安装规则与工艺,开发管件安装方位计算软件,根据管件的变化,按照决策规则能够自动计算管件的安装位置,计算装夹定位点坐标;

    (3) 根据装夹定位点坐标进行夹具系统三维虚拟仿真;

    (4) 利用Visual Basic语言对Solid Edge软件进行二次开发,提取管件和装配体的特征信息,实现焊接管件的优化布置并生成夹具的装夹方案;

    (5) 结合C语言和cmd语言对ADAMS软件进行二次开发实现了焊接夹具的虚拟仿真。



    Fixture as an important machinery manufacturing technology and equipment, it will directly affect the design and manufacture of the product development cycle and quality. Shorten the fixture design cycle, and is aided fixture design important area of research, but also improve rapid response capabilities is an important part. A wide range of pipe fittings and spatial orientation varies, plus pipe welded pipe ends for the geometric relationship has strict requirements, which have increased the difficulty of welding pipe fittings. Currently, the pipe welding positioning and clamping mainly rely on the operator's experience, which greatly reduces the precision welding pipe fittings. The design provides a weld fittings can clamp and more precise positioning of pipe and fittings and the relative position between the flanges, but also suitable for different sizes, a wide range of spatial movement of the flexible pipe welding fixture. Through the fixtures, fittings clamping motion simulation program to test the correctness of clamping scheme, to guide the operator to improve efficiency, reduce costs, improve welding accuracy.

    In response to these practical problems, this paper has pipe welding fixture design based on the work to further improve its structural design, extends the pipe welding fixture clamping scheme intelligent CAD system functionality, developed in ADAMS software based on pipe welding fixture Smart simulation module, the main research work includes the following aspects:

    (1)collect and analyze relevant information research, collate relevant weld pipe fittings drawings and welding process information;

    (2) development of pipe installation rules and technology, the development pipe mounting orientation calculation software, according to changes in tube according to decision rules can be calculated automatically pipe installation location point coordinate calculation clamping positioning.

  1. 上一篇:ANSYS动力传输装置负载模拟试验台设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:亚微米级细晶陶瓷刀具微波烧结工艺研究
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