
    摘要本次毕业设计的题目是船用产品制造装备及材料加工:螺旋桨加工大型多自由度铣床(B=11M)――总体及工作台传动系统设计。本课题主要研究了螺旋桨加工大型多自由度铣床的工作原理和机械结构的设计,尤其着重于其回转工作台的设计。螺旋桨加工大型多自由度铣床的回转工作台不仅可以实现圆周进给运动并且出色的保证了工作台分度运动的高精确性。它主要由:伺服系统控制的直流电机、齿轮传动、蜗杆传动、液压夹紧机构、工作台等几部分组成,是一种常见并且实用的加工工具。通过本次对数控回转工作台工作原理研究和机械结构的设计,我们不仅能够设计出数控回转工作台,而且能够更加牢靠的掌握机械设计的一般方法和步骤。本课题的主要内容包括:确定螺旋桨加工大型多自由度铣床的总体设计方案,以达到加工螺旋桨复杂曲面的精度要求;确定回转工作台的传动方案;通过计算完成驱动力的确定和电机的选择;完成机械部件的设计与校核;根据设计要求选择标准件,包括连接件、轴承、密封件等;通过Solidworks进行三维建模和运动仿真;通过Auto CAD完成整套装配图和零件图。50063


    毕业论文关键字:数控回转工作台,螺旋桨,蜗杆传动, 方案设计 


    The graduation project is titled marine products manufacturing equipment and materials processing: Propeller milling machining of large multi-degree of freedom (B = 11M) - overall design and the table DESIGNED. The main subject of the propeller milling machining of large multi-DOF working principle and mechanical structure design is particular emphasis on its rotary table design. Propeller milling machining of large multi-DOF rotary table can be achieved not only feed motion and circular table indexing ensures high accuracy of movement. It is mainly controlled by the servo system DC motor, gear, worm gear, hydraulic clamping mechanism, the table surface composed of several parts, is a common and practical processing tools. Through this work on the principle of the NC rotary table and mechanical structure design, we can not only design the NC rotary table, and can be more firmly grasp the general mechanical design methods and steps. The main topics include: determining propeller milling machining of large multi-degree of freedom of the overall design programs to meet the propeller complex surface machining accuracy requirements; determine the rotary table transmission scheme; driving force calculation is done through the identification and selection of the motor; mechanical parts to complete the design and checking; selection of standard parts according to the design requirements, including connecting parts, bearings, seals, etc.; through Solidworks for 3D modeling and motion simulation; through Auto CAD to complete the entire assembly drawings and part drawings.

    As the project design CNC rotary table can achieve high accuracy automatic indexing, this CNC machining is not limited to propellers complex surface machining, but also can be used in all kinds of large-scale processing of mechanical parts. With the increasingly widespread application of CNC technology, CNC rotary table as the propeller milling machining of large multi-DOF important part, will have greater development.

    Keywords: NC rotary table, propeller, worm drive, program design 


    摘  要 I

    第一章  绪  论

  1. 上一篇:柴油机气缸盖组合钻床设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:Solidworks螺旋桨加工键槽机床总体设计Ansys有限元分析+CAD图纸
  1. 数控加工中心链式刀库设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT

  2. 弹箭用复合材料的加工技术研究与应用

  3. 螺旋扁管成型加工设备的进给机构设计

  4. 螺纹深孔滚压加工装置设计

  5. 加工中心进给系统传动体统结构设计+CAD图纸

  6. 汽车发动机的连杆零件加...

  7. 汽车发动机的活塞零件加...

  8. 河岸冲刷和泥沙淤积的监测国内外研究现状

  9. 乳业同业并购式全产业链...

  10. java+mysql车辆管理系统的设计+源代码

  11. 酸性水汽提装置总汽提塔设计+CAD图纸

  12. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究

  13. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  14. 十二层带中心支撑钢结构...

  15. 电站锅炉暖风器设计任务书

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  17. 当代大学生慈善意识研究+文献综述




