



    Abstract Automotive power transmission is through courier car engine to the transmission and drive wheels turn, the transmission is here intended use in a variety of driving conditions, by the outgoing engine torque and speed changes and transmitted to the drive wheels, so that car standing start, climbing, cornering, acceleration and different conditions to get the right traction and speed, so that the engine can be in favor of the working class range of operating conditions.

    Through a variety of processes and associated development on the principle of the transmission of knowledge literature in-depth study, based on the design of a small car for the manual transmission. According to the known engine's maximum power and maximum torque of other important parameters, select the appropriate gear ratio, determined that the mini-car manual transmission design, the design uses an intermediate shaft transmission principle, the intermediate shaft structure many advantages, first be able to set up a direct gear and transmission efficiency, wear and noise. Second, in a smaller center distance can still get a larger one gear ratio. Designed to calculate the transmission parameters related major parts, and verify that the design is reasonable.

    Keywords: transmission, intermediate shaft, the lock ring synchronizer


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 变速器的分类 1

    1.1.1 手动变速器 1

    1.1.2 自动变速器 1

    1.1.3 无极变速器 1

    1.2变速器的现状与发展 2

    第二章 手动变速器的结构原理与型式分析 3

    2.1 手动变速器的基本结构和工作原理 3

    2.2 手动变速器的结构型式的分析和选择 4

    2.2.1 手动变速器的结构型式 4

    2.2.2 倒档方案的确定 5

    2.3 变速器主要零件的设计要求 6

    2.3.1 齿轮型式 6

    2.3.2 换档机构 6

    第三章  手动变速器主要零件参数设计计算 8

    3.1 手动变速器的档位数和传动比 8

    3.2 中间轴式变速器中心距 9

    3.3 齿轮参数的设计要求 10

    3.3.1 模数m 10

    3.3.2 压力角α

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