




    Abstract Process technology has experienced a significant improvement on a world scale with the development of science and technology, along with the maturity of metal cutting technology. Our country is a big shipbuilding country, but not a power in shipbuilding technoledge,which were reflected in military ships, civilian ships. To transform ourself into a shipbuilding power, we should not only achieve development on some technology and innovation,but also need to improve on some of the shipbuilding process. Such as propeller blade milling, because screw is an essential propulsion component of shipbuilding industry, its precision will directly affect the speed of ship propulsion even the submarine concealment.

         This paper introduces the design process of multiple-degree-of-freedom milling machine and multiple degree freedom head for large screw. First of all, understand and want the propeller milling structure features of five-axis linkage CNC milling machine, determine the overall design scheme.Through the design of the slippery pillow part of five-axis linkage milling head, the ram can be implemented within 1 ° ~ 20 ° degree adjustment and the simplicity switch  between five-axis milling head and the boring cutter tool. By this kind of design , we can greatly improve the machining efficiency and precision of the large propeller, avoid the repetitive positioning error resulting from a second clamping.

     The results show that this design can smoothly achieve the requirement of the design task,  the tool head structure can effectively improve the efficiency of processing, achieve good results on complex surface parts for milling, boring and cylindrical turning taper hole for only  clamping once.

    Keywords: multiple degrees of freedom  knife rest; gantry Milling machine; Taper boring; Large propeller manufacturing;

    目  录

    第一章  绪  论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 五轴联动数控机床概况 1

    1.3 国内螺旋桨叶片铣削机床研究现状 2

    1.4 船用螺旋桨加工多轴联动铣床制造的意义

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