

     (1) 调研分析有关双目立体视觉技术资料,归纳出目前常见的实现方案及各自的特点;



    (4)利用Keil C编译器开发控制程序,与上位机程序通信,并满足自定义要求;




       Since ancient times, people look at the world through the eyes, and observe through the eyes , and discover the different characteristics of different things.Eyes  plays a very important position in people's lives, and with the development of imaging technologies, we can save a lot of pictures, in order to record to observe better.

    However, we live in a world of three-dimensional geometric space, we are more accustomed to three-dimensional shape of the object from the other aspects of access to information, so the development of image technology from two-dimensional images to three-dimensional images become the the problem whith must be overcome.This article is based on the existing technical characteristics of binocular stereo, design the circuit, modeling and simulation for simple binocular stereo vision system controls, this paper reads as follows:

    (1)  Research and analysis on binocular stereo vision technology information, summarized the current common implementations and their characteristics;

    (2) Research currently common industrial digital camera control mode and interface mode, select industrial digital camera solutions;

    (3)  Binocular stereo vision proposed control system design plan, design synchronization and trigger circuit design a circuit schematic and PCB map by Protel ;

    (4) Use Keil C compiler to develop control procedures, communicate with the host computer procedures, and to meet custom requirements;

    (5) Design the entire program graph of binocular stereo vision system, and a three-dimensional model.

    Keywords: three-dimensional image, binocular stereo vision, design, circuit


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 前言 1

    1.2 双目立体视觉的概念 1

    1.3 双目立体视觉在国内外的应用发展以及存在的问题 1

    1.3.1 双目立体视觉技术在国外的应用现状 1

    1.3.2 双目立体视觉技术在国内的应用现状 2

    1.3.3 双目立体视觉技术目前存在的问题 2

    1.4 双目体视的发展方向 3

    1.5 本章小结 3

    第二章 双目立体视觉的技术特点 5

    2.1 图像的获取

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