




    Abstract Towed line array sonar (hereinafter referred to as the towed linear array) as one of the towed sonar, and array type with lines, to a certain interval of hydrophone, placed in a neutral buoyancy entrant acoustic protection. Towed line array acoustic before, during and after the period of the meter, digital section respectively, isolation period, and stable tail rope and towing and so on. Towed line array sonar on the detection performance, with large acoustic array aperture, detection distance, low working frequency, acoustic array configuration is not restricted by hull put space etc advantages. Due to the rapid development of our country Marine transportation enterprise and offshore facility of large-scale construction, towed line array as tugboat towing winch main equipment, has been widely used.

    In order to meet the need of modern machinery for automation, this paper proposes a towed line array towing winch, electric hydraulic control proportional cult-way valve and programmable controller (PLC) is applied to the towing winch control system. Through the reasonable design and selection, the design not only improves the reliability and maintainability of the towing winch and flexibility, and prolongs the service life of the winch; shorten the development cycle of the winch. At the same time the design improves the towing winch system control level, improve the operating performance of towing operation, make the operation more convenient and Human nature.

     This topic according to the structure characteristics of the electro hydraulic control winch, in-depth analysis of the composition of electro-hydraulic proportional control system, established the pump motor control of the hydraulic winch hydraulic system; write the control algorithm based on PLC. This paper mainly analyzes the towing winch electric hydraulic control system hardware design and software design, research and winch electro-hydraulic proportional control design based on PLC is put forward the implementation of the plan, finally the research content of this paper is summarized.

    Key words: electric hydraulic servo control; Proportional cult-way valve; PLC; winch


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1绞车概述 1

    1.1.1  绞车的发展历史

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