


    Abstract In recent years, with the development of economy and the increasing number of population, lands for housing construction are increasingly tense and new residential buildings are mostly high-rise residence. Due to high lateral stiffness and small deformation, the shear wall structure has been widely used in high-rise residence. Meanwhile, it can work both as load bearing and building envelope and this structure increases the indoor clear height effectively. Therefore, the research on the mechanical properties of the shear wall in the high-rise residence has important theoretical and practical significance. This design for the residential building at Jufuli community in Nanjing includes architectural design and structural design. The total gross floor area of the residential building is 7183 square meters. There are 14 floors above ground with a total height of 44 meters and the height of each floor is 2.8 meters. On the basis of the requirements, the seismic intensity is 7 degrees and the seismic level is three. According to the assignment book, the plan and layout of each floor are settled firstly. The main load-bearing structure of the program is the shear wall. After load calculation and member section estimating, we calculated a set of vertical shear wall and a horizontal shear wall. The calculation includes the selection of shear wall section size, the calculation of equivalent stiffness, the calculation of internal forces of shear walls under dead load, live load, earthquake and wind loads, the combination of internal forces, reinforcement computation of shear walls, computation of stairs and infrastructure, and operating review by PKPM. The requirements of relevant professional norms are strictly followed. The relevant information and the latest national standards are also referred, and every links of the design should be taken into account in the entire process.

    Keywords: residential building, concrete structures, shear wall structure, structural design


    第一章 建筑设计说明·1

    1.1 设计概况1

    1.1.1 建设项目名称及建设地点··1

    1.1.2 设计资料·1

    1.1.3 设计内容·1

    1.2 建筑设计2

    1.2.1 结构选型及布置·2

    1.2.2 各层平面布置2


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