



    Abstract This design is entitled magnesium plate lifting mechanism into the cage system, the safe operation of the lifting mechanism is magnesium plate into the cage system to work an important guarantee. The main mechanical structure for the main lift, hydraulic systems and motion simulation of three sections for related design and analysis. Hydraulic system design includes design of the control elements, the design of the actuator, the auxiliary component design.

       According to design requirements, first of all the required analysis of the lifting frame and check carried out. According to the structural design of the lifting frame hydraulic cylinders, and by calculating the required verified meets the requirements of hydraulic cylinders. Finally, motion simulation examined whether the rate of lift carriage to meet production needs. This design is a magnesium plate into the cage system device is designed to carry the car came out an effective complement, is conducive to glass magnesium board production line automation, improve production efficiency and improve production value, reduce production costs.

    Key words:Elevator, hydraulic system, hydraulic components

    目  录 

    第一章  绪论 5

    1.1玻镁板材料的发展 5

    1.2玻镁板进笼系统中升降机构的作用和意义 5

    第二章 电动机的选择及升降机构的设计 8

    2.1选择电动机的类型和有关结构型式 8

    2.2主要设计的参数 8

    2.3电机的计算和选取 8

    2.5升降机结构形式的设计 10

    2.6升降机的机械结构及零件的设计 11

    2.6.1升降机结构参数的选择和确定 11

    2.6.2升降机支架的确定 11

    2.6.3固定轮的选用 14

    2.6.4轨道封块 17

    第三章 液压系统的设计要求 18

    3.1 对液压系统的要求 18

    3.2 液压缸的设计 18

    3.3 对零部件的设计及验算 19

    3.3.1 液压缸筒的设计 19

    3.3.2法兰设计 24

    3.3.3活塞的设计 26

    3.3.4对活塞杆的设计 27

    3.3.5缓冲装置的选用 30


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