



    毕业论文关键词: 运输,散货船,内河,NAPA,经济性。

    Abstract In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth, people have a greater demand for cargo transport . With respect to the land transport and air transport, maritime transport is more competitive, Its freight can often reach more than 10,000 tons, while meeting the requirements of long-distance transport,which has certain advantages and development prospects. Currently, the most commonly used of ship is the inland bulk carrier, which can be loaded with different types of items, such as groceries, containers, bulk cargo and other goods. In the domestic market transport,these cargos are more adaptable, more vitality, and have even broader prospects for development., more vitality, and has more broad prospects for development.

    In view of the circumstances described above, we use professional ship design software NAPA, and 119.2 meters inland bulk carrier to finish the whole design of new ship. The first step is to summarize the development of status and trends of inland bulk carrierand trends of inland bulk carrier. After that, according to the known elements of parent ship to major scale in terms of new vessels, including buoyancy, speed, stability and early displacement estimates, preliminary estimates gravity ship lightship weight, load. Then, to complete the new boat in the NAPA in profile design, which includes a cabin partition and checking tank capacity and the calculation of the hydrostatic calculate the performance and integrity of the ship's stability calculations, draw lines and the overall layout planning.

    The design for the inland bulk carrier ship may sail in, including the Yangtze, including A / B two navigation area. It has a bulbous bow, two-tailed and double sculls machine ship. Relative performance calculation and verification, according to the People's Republic of China Maritime Safety Administration issued  "domestic voyage ship statutory inspection technical specifications", which can be described as "Code."

    keywords: Transportation, bulk carriers, river, NAPA, economy. 

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.1.1散货船的基本概述 1

    1.1.2 内河散货船的优势与所面临的市场挑战 2

    1.2 课题的研究意义与目的 2

    1.2.1 研究意义

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