



    Abstract This article first describes the status of China's shipbuilding industry, as well as the contrast with the foreign countries which shipbuilding and other technologically are more advanced, and describe the advantages in China's shipbuilding industry and the inadequate compared with other countries, and then draw the conclusion that only more rational shipbuilding mode of production, advanced technology and higher economic efficiency can make better development of the shipyard. Then we have grasped the modern shipbuilding technology, and designed container ship production as an example to start on.

    In this paper, based on the current situation and development of the container ship and ship production design, after a brief analysis of the 2700TEU container ship which is the main part of the production design, it introduced the production design of the bottom of the cargo hold B12P/S of the 2700TEU container ship. Based on the production capacity of the shipyard and detailed design defined the construction approach, drew the splicing plates, braided the BOM, calculated the segment weight and the center of gravity by the BOM, set hanging horse, then introduced the precision control of the production design, the welding processes and coating essentials of the segment.

    Keywords: Container Ship; Production Design; Hoisting rings; Painting

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景和现状 1

    1.1.1研究背景 1

    1.1.1国内外研究现状 2

    1.2集装箱船概述 3

    1.2.1集装箱船简介 3

    1.2.1集装箱船的发展现状和趋势 4

    1.3研究目的和意义 4

    1.4主要研究内容和方法 5

    1.4.1研究的内容 5

    1.4.2研究的方法 5

    第二章 2700TEU集装箱船生产设计准备 6

    2.1  2700TEU集装箱船基本信息 6

    2.2  所给船厂生产能力 7

    2.3  2700TEU集装箱船分段划分原则 7

    第三章 2700TEU集装箱船货舱底部B12P/S分段生产设计 8

    3.1 B12P/S分段结构特点 8

    3.2 B12P/S分段所处位置 8

    3.3 B12P/S分段建造工艺 9

    3.3.1  B12P/S的建造方法 9

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