




    Abstract With the continued downturn in the shipbuilding industry at home and abroad, Shipbuilding capacity fell continuously, it reflects the low end of China's shipbuilding industry overcapacity. The reason is that the main products are conventional ships and lack of high-end products. Lead to the decline in competitiveness. It has a strong impact on the market of ship. In the face of such a grim situation, China's shipbuilding industry must adjust and upgrade the industrial structure. On the basis of maintaining the existing conventional ship technology.  Research and development of a new type of technical ship is an effective measure to improve the competitiveness of shipping enterprises in the market.

    The topic of this graduation project is Structural modification design of 132 meter container ship based on sail assisted propulsion. On the basis of ordinary container ship, by installing the sail above the deck to play a supporting role in order to reduce fuel consumption. As a result, it improves the propulsion efficiency and makes it more operational than the ordinary type of container ship.

    After the graduation design topic is determined. First of all, I learn a lot about the basic structure design of the common type container ship and some attention points. First, according to the lines of ship , general layout, Code for the construction of inland river ships of the 2009 Edition provided by teacher, the preliminary design of the container ship is designed.Then according to the ship's main dimensions and navigation conditions, I designed the area and the height of the sail. Finally, I determined the installation position of the sail between the hatch deck and check the strength. Eventually complete the specification design.

     Keywords: Container ship; Specification design;Map of the midship section; Map of basic construction profile ;Check the strength

    目  录

    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2集装箱船 2

    1.2.1 集装箱船的发展 2

    1.2.2集装箱船运输的优缺点 2

    1.2.3集装箱船的发展前景 3

    1.3 结构设计 5

    1.3.1 结构设计的概念

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