
    摘要本次毕业设计我独立完成了小口径狙击步枪的总体方案和重要零部件的设计,对整枪外观和重要机构都做了三维模型和二维工程图,对枪管、闭锁凸笋等重要零部件进行了尺寸分析和强度计算。对提高武器精度以及提高武器人机功效做了很多的调查与研究。对小口径狙击步枪的特点进行了分析。 利用SolidWorks软件对全枪零件进行了绘制。本次设计采用了旋转后拉式的非自动枪栓、浮动式枪管、容量为10发的盒式弹匣、符合人体工程学的扳机、机匣、枪托等。击发机构采用单发发射并采用了带有击针保险的二道火机构。以上零部件都用solidworks软件进行了三维图绘制。之后对枪管、枪机的强度进行了校核,对机匣、枪托。扳机等部件进行了着重设计。本方案设计创新之处共有以下几点:1.采用了无托的形式;2.采用了浮动式枪管;3.枪械零部件之间的连接大部分使用了容易拆卸的销;4.对枪弹匹配进行了简单的设计;5.对枪械整体进行了人机功效的研究。60668

    毕业论文关键词  小口径狙击步枪 旋转后拉枪机 浮动式枪管 人机工效 solidworks


    Title   Program design of small-caliber sniper rifles  


    In this graduation project,I complete the overall programme and the important parts of the design of The small-caliber sniper rifles independently and I have draw the three-dimensional model and the two-dimensional engineering drawing for the appearance of the whole gun and some important institutions. Size and strength analysis have been done on gun barrel,locking lug,etc.Many servey and research have been made on how to improve weapon accuracy and machine efficiency. The characteristics of small-caliber sniper rifles were analyzed.By using the solidworks,I draw all the parts of whole gun. The design uses a rotating back pull-out of non-automatic bolt, floating barrel,10 rounds cassette magazine, ergonomical trigger butts and case. Firing system using single transmitter and uses two-fire structure with the firing pin insurance. These components are used solidworks software for three-dimensional mapping.The barrel and the bolt are checked on strength,and the case,butt,trigger are focusedly designed.The program innovations are from the following:1.bull pop structure;2. floating barrel;3.almost every part are linked by a pin with a ring;4.based on gun-bullets macth;5.based on the ergonomics.

    Keywords  small-caliber sniperrifles  non-automatic bolt       floating barrel  ergonomics solidworks


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 狙击步枪分类 1

    1.2 小口径狙击步枪研究背景 2

    1.3 各国小口径狙击步枪特点分析 3

    1.4 小口径狙击步枪设计特点 6

    1.5 小口径狙击步枪设计计划 6

    2  全枪整体设计 7

    2.1  总体设计特点 7

    3  枪管设计 9

    3.1 枪管外部结构设计 9

    3.2 弹膛设计 10

    3.3线膛设计 12

    3.4 枪管强度计算 12

    4  闭锁机构设计 14

    4.1 闭锁机构的作用 14

    4.2闭锁机构的结构设计 14

    5  击发机构设计

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