


    毕业论文关键词  运输小车  回转支承  直流力矩电机   


    Title    Design of transport bogie of sand blasting line                     

    Abstract The design of the transport bogie of sand blasting line is used in sand blasting workshop with the transport unit within. It can realize trams running and stage of rotation. In the design of the first through the structure, bearing capacity and car movement way and analyzed, and preliminarily determines the structure and size of the car .The revolving of the car adopts slewing bearing and through  the comparison and  selection determines the slewing bearing calculated model. To save system space, simplify transmission mechanism, the car uses a DC torque motor as the drive device. In addition, the gear, bearing, and car wheel were designed with the verification. The key parts of the car are finite element structural analysis.

    Through the improvement and design of some parts makes the car more simple structure, lightweight, and the car has sufficient carrying capacity. The design of the car will greatly improve the productivity of the plant.

    Keywords  transport bogie  slewing bearing  dc torque motor

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  喷砂技术简介 1

    1.2  喷砂生产线运输现状 1

    1.3  运输小车的设计 2

    1.4  主要研究内容 3

    2  整体设计 5

    2.1  设计要求 5

    2.2  方案拟定 6

    2.3  载物台回转问题 7

    2.4  底盘方面 8

    2.5  驱动方面 8

    3  小车载物台及底盘的设计 10

    3.1  载物台设计 10

    3.2  底盘设计 10

    3.3  载物台的有限元分析 12

    4  回转支承选型计算 15

    4.1  结构选型 15

    4.2  选型计算 15

    4.3  螺栓副选择 18

    5  回转工作台驱动装置方案的确定 20

    5.1  方案拟定 20

    5.2  方案比较 21

    5.3  电机的选用 22

    5.4  齿轮传动的设计

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