


    毕业论文关键词  齿轮减速机构  凸轮机构  绕线机构  动力学分析


    Title   The design of disc cam type two elevator     

    Abstract The lift is mainly applied to the installation and repair of high-altitude lighting device, mainly used for solve the high altitude operation stadium and other large venues, it save manpower and material resources, also it have good development prospects in the future of intelligent. Cam lift design including motor, gear, and a cam mechanism, a winding mechanism and a control circuit part. Its working principle is driven by the motor, the reducer, the gear change the direction of rotation, using cam to achieve the wire wheel reciprocating uniform motion in a straight line solve the problem as coiling line.

    The design principle, calculation of transmission ratio, power of motor and the wire rope speed and length, overall structure design, and the transmission mechanism for dynamic analysis, checking the strength of key parts, using three-dimensional design and assembly, and then animated simulation, finally draw assembly drawing and the main parts of elevator by using AutoCAD software parts diagram, used in the manufacturing process.

    Keywords  gear   cam lechanism   winding mechanism  dynamics analyse

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  升降机的发展历史 1

    1.2  升降机的作用及原理 2

    1.3  升降机的组成 3

    2  盘式凸轮二维升降机系统的设计 6

    2.1  总体结构设计 6

    2.2  齿轮减速部分结构设计 7

    2.3  凸轮部分结构设计 9

    2.4  绕线轮部分结构设计 12

    3  总体动力学分析 13

    3.1  绕线轮部分运动分析 13

    3.2  凸轮部分运动分析 13

    3.3  齿轮减速部分运动分析 13

    4  各零部件的校核 20

    4.1  Ⅰ轴至Ⅴ轴齿轮的校核 20

    4.2  联轴器的选择 22

    4.3  Ⅰ轴至Ⅴ轴轴的设计与校核 22

    4.4  轴承的选择及校核 26

    5  其他部分的设计 28

    5.1  电机的选用 28

    5.2  键和销的选择与校核

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