



    毕业论文关键词:液压机  翻转式  四柱导向  装配


    Title    Turnover type Four-column hydraulic press mechanism design                                                   

    Abstract This design is for the four-column hydraulic machine.The host machine is composed of a movable beam,straight guide column,beam,working table,a master cylinder,a cylinder composed of the top.By contrast,established the structure of mechanical system.

    This topic design Turnover type Four-column hydraulic press machine uses four column guidances, carries on through the hydraulic cylinder thrust force exerts pressure downward. Matches may serve as the folding machine or the shaper by the suitable mold, also available in formation material suppressed flange, as well as plastic and so on suppressed formation. This instruction booklet first to aspects and so on hydraulic press machine use, characteristic, classification has carried on the summary, simultaneously has carried on the forecast to the hydraulic press machine technology trend of development.

    Based on the stress analysis and calculation of mechanical structure, hydraulic system is designed to meet the hydraulic machine rotate clockwise 45 degrees angle motion, can realize the plastic material compensate, sheet metal stamping, metal cold extrusion and powder metallurgy pressing etc.

    Keywords: Hydraulic press machine  Four column  Assembly  Turnover type

    1  引言 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  液压机的工作原理 1

    1.3  液压机的特点及分类 2

    1.4  液压机的国内外研究现状和水平 3

    1.5  液压机技术的发展趋势 3

    2  翻转式四柱液压机的功能概述及设计要求 4

    2.1  翻转式四柱液压机的结构型式 4

    2.2  传统四柱液压机工作原理分析 5

    3  翻转式四柱液压机零部件设计 7

    3.1 主机载荷分析 7

    3.2 立柱设计 7

    3.3 横梁结构设计及计算

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