

    毕业论文关键词: 箱体  加工工艺  工序  专用夹具


    Title         Automotive transmission housing and fixture design process

    Abstract The graduation project is a car gearbox casing processing technology and a process of fixture design. By the automobile gearbox housing parts of the structure and pore characteristics determine system is the flat part of the main processing surfaces. According to the knowledge, ensure Holes machining precision machining precision than the guaranteed plane much more difficult. Therefore, the design follows the principles of the hole after the first plane. Meanwhile, in order to ensure precision machining holes of, the process is differentiated for the roughing and finishing of two phases. Select the transmission housing benchmark crude output of the input shaft bearing hole, fine craft benchmark select two holes and the top surface. Arrangements for the main processing steps, first working with the top surface and the support system to locate the hole, and then processing hole, with the top surface of the bearing hole and positioning. In addition to the inpidual processes in the subsequent processing steps, have adopted technological holes and the top surface and the hole machining plane positioning system. Processing system using coordinate support hole boring laws. In the whole process are used in combination machine, and use special fixtures for clamping, the need for mass production, the assembly line for processing. In order to improve production efficiency, the use of pneumatic clamping.

    Keywords: Gearbox  machining-technology  step  special-purpose clamping apparatus

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.1.1  制造业的重要性 1

    1.1.2  变速箱的原理及功能 1

    1.1.3  变速箱的工艺设计的重要性 1

    1.2  课题目的 1

    1.2.1  毕业设计的目的及作用 1

    2  汽车变速箱箱体加工工艺规程设计 2

    2.1  箱体的分析 2

    2.1.1  箱体的作用 2

    2.1.2  箱体的工艺分析 2

    2. 2  毛坯的分析 3

    2.2.1  毛坯的了解 3

    2.2.2  毛坯的制造 3

    2.2.3  毛坯的确定

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