






    [毕业论文关键词] 原油船;主尺度;型线变换;结构设计

    4900DWT oil tanker structural strength design

    School of Naval Architecture and Civil Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316004

    [Abstract]The graduation design is a structure design of 4900DWT oil tanker.During the design process, with reference to the mother ship, at the same time,take 《The Standard of Steel Quality Sea-going Ship into Class whit Calculation》, 《the principle of ship design》 etc. as references for design. 

    Graduation Project includes the following sections:

    First.determine main dimensions– According to the requirements of the task,reference book,consider type ship initially identified the main demensions.Taking the balance of gravity and buoyancy to further determine the principal dimensions, and then checking performance such as volume.Finally, ultimately determine the principal dimensions of the design ship. 

        Second. type design–The parent type transformation method, draw the design of ship's water line half-width plan, midship section , outboard profile, in order to get the design of ship-based moulded plan.

    Third.general arrangement design–in accordance with the Calculation requirements with reference to the type ship to carry out the design of general arrangement, the main pisions and the superstructure of ships, ship compartment layout and equipment. 

        Fouth.structural design–the boat ship-wide framework for the longitudinal type, calculated by reference to the hull of the corresponding norms of the relevant parameters in various components such as section modulus and so on, select the components to ensure the reasonable structure design.

    [Keyword]tanker;principle dimension;transformation in line;structure design

    目    录

    摘    要 3

    1.前  言 5

    2.总体部分 6

    2.1设计船主尺度 6

    2.2重量、重心计算 8

    2.3舱容的校核和计算 16

    2.4型线设计 16

    2.5总布置设计 18

    3.结构部分 25

    3.1设计船船体结构规范设计计算 25

    3.2结构计算 26

    3.3构件汇总 51

    3.4中剖面模数计算 54

    3.5总强度校核 56

    3.6基本结构图 57


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