




    Abstract Oil tanker has always been the major ship type of marine transportation industry as one of the world’s three main ship type. So the tanker has large and stable market demand. Because of the heavy oil transportation industry and the problem of tanker structures, oil spill accident and other pollution issues have been stared. Also, great importance has been attached to tanker structures. 

    Oil tanker structural safety problem is important. It is worth studying not only on tankers but also the other ships. In addition to the consideration of the safety performance, the economy is on the one hand. There is one of technical indicators called the lightship weight in the ship construction process. 80% of lightship weight is hull structure weight and it is an important part of ship construction costs. We need to make sure its safety. At the same time, how to reduce hull structure weight become the focus of the design work.

    This topic is mainly designed for 7000DWT offshore tanker according to the “Rules For Construction of Sea-going Ships Engaged on Domestic Voyages”(2012). Base on general arrangement plan and lines plan, the cargo area is equipped with the double hull and double bottom. In this area, the double bottom, side and deck adopt the longitudinal framing, other area adopt the transverse framing. According to the “Rules For Construction of Sea-going Ships Engaged on Domestic Voyages”(2012) do the structure design, determine the size and location of the component and check the longitudinal strength. On the basis of the design results and the ship data, drawing midship section plan and general structure plan. Finally, program has been modified by comparing them to find out the best solution. By checking strength to the conclusion that the calculation of structure and check of longitudinal strength has satisfied the “Rules For Construction of Sea-going Ships Engaged on Domestic Voyages”.

    Keywords: Oil tanker; structural design; strength check

    摘  要 V

    Abstract VI

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 设计方法以及问题 4

    1.3.1 结构设计方法

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