


    毕业论文关键词  气动柔性驱动器  手腕康复训练器  有限元分析


    Title    Design of flexible wrist rehabilitation driver   and finite element analysis                                                

    Abstract Flexible pneumatic actuator as a kind of novel actuators, has been widely studied and applied in medical field. At present, wrist rehabilitation devices on the market are mostly driven by motor. Flexible pneumatic actuator is much safer due to its high compliance and low working temperatures. While the sort is not quite much and the function is not quite perfect.

    For the first step, studies concerning wrist rehabilitation actuators abroad and at home are reviewed and comparisons among them are made to summarize the advantages and disadvantages. On the basis, we present a kind of flexible pneumatic actuator with bending capabilities. Then the model is established by SolidWorks software. By using the finite element analysis software ANSYS, we get the results of pipe stress and stress analysis when the internal pressure is 0.5MPa.

    Keywords   flexible pneumatic actuator    wrist rehabilitation device   finite element analysis

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题设计的背景 1

    1.2  手腕康复驱动器的研究现状 1

    1.2.1  电气式驱动器 1

    1.2.2  气压式驱动器 2

    1.2.3  液压式驱动器 3

    1.3  小结 4

    2  手腕康复驱动器总体设计 5

    2.1  腕关节的运动 5

    2.2  总体结构 5

    2.3  设计尺寸 5

    2.3  建立模型 6

    2.3.1  驱动主体 6

    2.3.2  管套 9

    2.3.2  导气管 11

    3  手腕康复驱动器的有限元分析 12

    3.1  ANSYS软件简介 12

    3.1.1  Hypermesh软件简介 12

    3.1.2  ABAQUS软件简介 12

    3.2  设计参数 13

    3.2.1  弹性模量 13

    3.2.2  密度 16

    3.2.3  泊松比 16

    3.3  驱动主体的分析 16

    3.3.1  扁管的几何模型的导入及几何清理

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