

    毕业论文关键字  末制导炮弹 弹道特性 重力补偿 末制导率 比例导引法


    Title    Rate of terminal guidance ammunition of the terminal   guidance of design and analysis                                                   

    Abstract There are many kinds of terminal guidance projectile terminal guidance way, this article mainly proportional guidance law as terminal control mode, research to a certain large caliber guided artillery ballistic accuracy control problem, this terminal guidance ammunition flight principle and the design principle of rate of terminal guidance, the flight dynamics model is established, the analysis and design its rate of terminal guidance and terminal guidance control equation, the numerical analysis of the flight trajectory characteristics and terminal control effect, etc., to provide technical support for the development of the terminal guidance ammunition. The results indicate that proportional navigation with over-gravity compensation is suitable for attacking fixed or less mobile targets,and especially for hitting the top of the target,for its angle of fall is greater and the line of sight at the point of impact has

    deflection and greater overload.

    Keywords  Terminal guidance ammunition  Ballistic characteristics The gravity compensation  Rate of terminal guidance Proportional guidance law

    1绪论 1

    1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 末制导炮弹国内外的研究现状[10] 1

    1.3 末制导炮弹主要技术及特点[14] 3

    1.4 末制导炮弹研究前景[13] 4

    2.末制导炮弹弹道计算模型[2][4] 5

    2.1 概述 5

    2.2 末段制导主要研究内容 6

    2.3 坐标系转换 15

    2.4  各坐标系间的转换关系 17

    2.5 各方位角之间的关系 20

    2.6 作用在炮弹上的力和力矩 21

    2.7弹道的运动方程和控制方程[3] 23

    2.8 弹道设计的基本参数 25

    3.无控弹道特性仿真及分析[8] 26

    4.有控弹道仿真及计算分析[1] 28

    5.K值变化时弹道特性及分析 32

    5.1 比例系数K的选择 32

    5.2 K值不同时其弹道特性分析 33

    6. 重力补偿ωg变化时弹道特性及分析[12] 35

    6.1 重力补偿ωg的引入

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