    The sizer overall design
    Abstract: Sizing machine is an essential part of the paper machinery, its role is to sizing on the surface of paper. By surface sizing to meet certain requirements, improved the surface properties of the paper. Surface sizing is an essential part in the papermaking process. The first step of sizing coater is to use the transfer roller to pass through dry paper web of a certain degree. Then, by rotating the roller to regulate the gap, the rubber pieces is added evenly onto the paper, so that the surface of paper or cardboard can prevent liquid diffusion and penetration, and the paper has a good appearance and printing properties. By adjusting the pressure between two rollers, glue penetrates into the surface of sheet, the volume of glue consumption is decide by controlling the pressure. Thus, sizing coater is very important to improve paper quality.
    The graduation project is the sizer overall design. This article first introduction the sizer background and development, analyzed the working principle of sizer, identify important and difficult design, determine the program. Identified through the program demonstrated the host structure, the performance and parameters of the various structures were analyzed and calculated. Roller apply a defined machine as the most basic and most important component parts, the structural design is the focus of the project design. This paper analyzed the mechanical properties of the roller, processing technology, computing the stiffness of the roller, deflection, convexity and strength check.

    Key words: sizer;roller;surface sizing;convexity
    目 录
    1 绪论…1
     1.2 课题的目的与意义…2
    2 施胶机的工作原理2
    3 设计的关键及难点3
    3.1 差动螺旋机构的运动分析和几何参数…3
    3.2 辊筒结构设计3
    3.3 辊筒中高的确定3
    3.4 施胶机主体结构选择…3
    4 方案论证…4
    4.1 施胶机结构设计方案论证…4
    4.2 压辊设计方案论证…4
    4.3 水平式施胶机和斜列式施胶机的结构与性能分析4
    4.3.1 水平式施胶机…4
    4.3.2 斜列式施胶机…6
    4.3.3 斜列式施胶机的有利因素…6
    5 主要零部件的设计计算8
    5.1 施胶机转轴设计8
    5.2 施胶机转轴计算8
     5.2.1 施胶机转轴的动力参数计算…8
     5.2.2 电机的选择9
    5.2.3 施胶机差动螺旋机构参数计算11
     5.2.4 上压辊轴的体积和重量计算11
     5.2.5 下压辊轴的体积和重量计算…12
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