
    摘  要当今社会,由于科技水平在一直上升,从而引发了人们对道路设施建设发展技术的密切关注。因为道路发展是基础设施发展中尤为关键的一步,关乎着经济的发展大局,掌握着经济的发展方向。而压路机作为基础道路中的“工程师”,必然也有着不可推卸的责任。当今中国市场中的热宠便是轮胎压路机了,最主要的原因是它的性能符合中国道路的建设。本文接下来就针对YL25型压路机,通过对它原来传动系统的剖析,来完成它现在的设计,并在此基础上来完成改造。在进行设计时,先是分析了压路机在国外的发展,而后纵观压路机在国内的发展,设想了三种理想的传动方案。最后根据我国的实际发展水平,综合各方面情况,选择可靠的方案。而它就是由发动机、变速箱、减速器和驱动桥组成的机械传动,本文对每个部件都进行了选型和校核计算。最终用CAD绘制了相关的零件图、装配图和原理图,成功地设计出YL25型压路机的传动系统。69995


    毕业论文关键词:轮胎压路机  变速箱  减速器  驱动桥

    The YL25 Tyre Roller Drive System Design

    Abstract With technological development, people's road traffic increasingly to focus on the development of technology together.Because the road is the development of infrastructure development is particularly critical step in relation to the overall economic development, control of the direction of economic development.The road roller as the basis for the "engineer", must also have an inescapable responsibility.Today's China market is hot pet tire roller, the main reason is its performance in line with the construction of Chinese roads.The next article will be on YL25 type roller drive system design and improvement and innovation.During the design, the first analysis of the development roller in foreign countries, then the roller Throughout the development of the country, it is envisaged three ideal transmission scheme.Finally, according to the actual level of development, integrated all aspects of the most appropriate kind of program selected.The program is the mechanical drive by the engine, transmission, and drive axle gear unit consisting of paper for each component selection and were checking calculation.Eventually drawn with CAD related parts and assembly drawings and schematics, successfully designed transmission YL25 type roller.

    The design of Figure 1, Table 13, 50 references.

    Key Words:pneumatic tyre roller  Gearbox  inverse reducer  drive axle

    目  录







    1绪论 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 国内外轮胎压路机的现状及发展前景 1

    1.3 课题简介 4

    1.4 小结 6

    2传动方案设计 7

    2.1 原传动系统的分析 7

    2.2 传动方案设计原则 7

    2.3 三种传动方案设计 8

    2.4小结 9

    3 传动系统设计 10

    3.1 基本参数的确定

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