
    摘要卫星支架结构件是人造卫星关键建构件,用以连接两个或多个物体,传递两者之间的 扭矩或作用力。由于发展航天事业投入较大,即便是小型支架这么小的重量要被运载到太 空也需要花费很多财力物力,而且一个人造卫星上有很多大型零件需要小型支架进行连 接,故卫星支架的轻量化是目前各个国家致力于追求的目标。 拓扑优化是一类应用广泛的结构优化理论,它使得工程产品设计能够灵活自由的进行优 化,在概念上得到最合适的结构模型。本文是基于拓扑优化设计来对支架进行拓扑优化, 改变其内部结构,保留主要的传力途径,减少不必要的材料耗费,从而达到减重的目的。70137

    本文利用 Hyperworks 软件对支架模型进行了有限元网格划分,基于变密度法对划分 好的网格进行了拓扑优化,通过拉普拉斯乘数法进行计算后得到了符合预期的支架模型, 并对该模型进行了 3D 打印工作,比较了打印质量,从实际出发,证明了拓扑优化对支架 结构优化的可行性和便利性。

    毕业论文关键词 卫星支架 航天事业 拓扑优化 3D 打印

    Title Research on topology optimization design and process optimization of satellite support structure


    Satellite support structure is an indispensable component of artificial satellite, often used to connect two or more objects, passing the torque or force between the two. Because the investment of the aerospace industrydevelopmentis large, even a small weight such as a small supportto be carried into space also need to spend a lot of resources and there are a lot of large parts of a satellite to be connected to a small bracket. Therefore, the lightweight of the satellite support is the goal that every country is pursuing.

    Topology optimization is a new structural optimization theory, which makes the engineering product design flexible and free to be optimized, in the concept of the most suitable structure model. This article is based on the topology optimization design to carry on the topology optimization to the support, changes its internal structure, retains the main transmission way, reduces the unnecessary material consumption, thus achieves the goal of weight loss.

    The Hyperworks software to support model of finite element mesh generation, based on variable density method to optimize the topology of pision of the grid, After the calculation of the Laplasse multiplier method, the support model is obtained, And the model was carried out on the 3D printing work, and compared the quality of printing. It is proved that the topology optimization of stent structure optimization of the feasibility and convenience.

    Keywords Satellite support structureAerospace Industrytopology optimization3D print

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 结构优化类型 2

    1.3 国内外拓扑优化研究现状 3

    1.4 卫星支架的结构优化分析 6

    1.5 课题的主要研究内容 6

    2 拓扑优化原理及应用 7

    2.1 引言 7

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