

    毕业论文关键词: 动力创新;气动投料;给料装置;自动烹调机

    The feeding device of automatic cooking machine design

    Abstract: This design is aimed at restaurant larger automatic cooking machine for material feeding device of a creative design.With the previous design the biggest difference between this design USES the power to pressure as the power, for conveying and feeding action.As is known to all, pneumatic drive gas source collection is convenient, the characteristics of the air is clean, so it is suitable in the kitchen to take as a power source.This design USES the latest can locate the rodless cylinder to achieve the feeding mechanism in the box in a horizontal feeding movement, and the positioning of the cylinder at the time of delivery can be achieved by using magnetic induction switch to limit, so as to make the rod pneumatic cylinder are difficult to locate the problem is resolved.In longitudinal direction and vertical direction on the reverse action USES the rotating cylinder as the power unit, after load, perspective on the issue of coordination, conform to the requirements, and to ensure that all the power of this design using the feature of pneumatic way.

    Keywords: Automatic cooking machine; Pneumatic feeding; feeding device

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

      1.1  国内发展现状 1

      1.2  国外发展现状 2

      1.3  对于自动烹调机给料机构的基本要求 3

    2  总体方案 4

      2.1  原理依据 5

    2.1.1  控制部件可行分析 6

    2.1.2  动力部件可行分析 6

    2.1.3  执行部件可行分析 6

      2.2  方案定述 6

    2.2.1  方案确定 6

    2.2.2  设计的重、难点 6

    3  设计实施 7

      3.1   料盒设计 7

    3.1.1  料盒三维设计 7

    3.1.2  料盒的具体尺寸 7

      3.2   料盒下方的模型结构设计 8

    3.2.1  料盒下的特殊构件 8

    3.3  旋转承力杆件的设计 8

    3.3.1  翻转的承力杆使用说明 9


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