
    摘要数控机床模拟仿真系统因其实用性,逼真性,价格适当,使用便捷等一系列 优点,是目前 CAD/CAM 系统中比较重要的环节之一,在数控车床从设计到加工 的自动化、进一步提高加工的精度以及质量、减少产品研发周期时间等各方面起 到了重要作用。69968

    本文的研究对象为数控车床,主要介绍针对数控车床的自动物件导入模拟仿 真系统的开发。此系统基于 VC6.0 进行开发的,是一个 CAD/CAM 集成一体化的 数控车床图形仿真系统,它主要由两大功能模块构成:图形绘制(CAD)和辅助 加工(CAM)。

    图形绘制(CAD)由系统根据数控车床加工零件的特征,建立了模拟零件的 特征模型。用户通过系统的人机交互界面,完成零件轮廓的特征输入,经过数据 处理,建立轮廓的参数化模型。通过系统提供的图形编辑工具,最终确定零件轮 廓图形,并仿真输出。

    此系统通过人机交互完成数控车床加工零件的设计和辅助加工,极大的方便 了设计师和操作人员,提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本。此系统在便捷方便的 供使用者调用的同时,还能激发灵感,记录思想。数控车床是一个精密而复杂的 整体,所以模拟出整个车床实体来并不容易,故本文只讨论模拟加工方式以及零 件处理的动画。

    该论文有图幅 17,表 1 个,参考文献 30 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:CAD/CAM 数控图形编程 特征模型 参数化模型 模拟仿真

    Realization of automatic object import CNC lathe based on vc6.0


    Nc machine tools simulation system because of its practicality, lifelike, appropriate price, easy to use and a series of advantages, is one of the more important link in the CAD/CAM system, in the realization of nc design automation, improving nc machining accuracy and quality, shorten product development cycle and so on various aspects played an important role.

    Object of study for the CNC lathe, this paper mainly introduces the numerical control lathe automatic objects into the development of simulation system. This system based on VC6.0 development, is an integration of CAD/CAM integrated nc lathe graphic simulation system, it is mainly composed of two function modules: graphics drawing (CAD) and secondary processing (CAM).

    Graphics drawing (CAD) by the system according to the features of the numerical control lathe processing parts, the analog part of feature model is established. The user through the man-machine interface system, complete parts outline the characteristics of the input, through data processing, contour of the parameterized model is set up. Through the system to provide the graphical editing tool, finally determine the parts contour graphics, and the simulation output.

    This system through the human-computer interaction to complete the design of the CNC lathe processing parts and auxiliary processing, great convenience to designers and operators, and improve the production efficiency, reduce the production cost.

    Key words:CAD/CAM NC Graphic Programming Parametric Model Feature Model

    目 录


    Abstract 2

    目 录 3

    1.绪论 4

    1.1 课题来源及背景 4

    1.2 课题研究的现状 4

    1.2.1 国外研究现状

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