


    Abstract With the rapid development of the society, the communication between Britain and Chinese has become more and more frequent. As an important part of communication, nonverbal communication plays an irreplaceable role in inter-cultural communication. Taking the pragmatic failure in Chinese-English intercultural nonverbal communication as the object of study, the paper explores the reasons for the pragmatic failures and gives some suggestions on how to avoid pragmatic failure in Chinese-English intercultural nonverbal communication. It is hoped that the study of the paper would be of use to avoid misunderstandings and of help to achieve successful communication.

    Key words: Intercultural Communication; Nonverbal Communication; Pragmatic Failure

       Study on Pragmatic Failure in Chinese-English Intercultural Nonverbal Communication


    摘  要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Intercultural Nonverbal Communication 2

    2.1 Cross-cultural Communication 2

    2.2 Nonverbal Communication 5

    III. Pragmatic Failure in Chinese-English Cross-Cultural Nonverbal

    Communication 7

    3.1 Pragmatic Failure in Body Language. 7

    3.2 Pragmatic Failure in Paralanguage 8

    3.3 Pragmatic Failure in Object Language 8

    3.4 Pragmatic Failure in Environmental Language 9

    IV. Causes for Pragmatic Failure in Chinese-English Intercultural   

      Nonverbal Communication and Some Countermeasures ...................9

    4.1 Causes for Pragmatic Failure ..........................................................................................10

    4.2 Countermeasures to Avoid Pragmatic Failure 12

    V. Conclusion 15

    Bibliography 17

    Acknowledgements 18

    I. Introduction

    With the rapid development of the society, the communication between British and Chinese has become more and more frequent. Different cultures,customs, beliefs and religions between China and Britain may lead to misunderstandings or conflicts, especially in nonverbal communication. This kind of failure is called pragmatic failure. And pragmatic failure is the main cause of communication breakdown. So it is important to study on pragmatic failure in Chinese-English intercultural communication. And this paper aims to analyze the reasons why pragmatic failure happens in the process of Chinese-English intercultural nonverbal communication, and it also gives some measures on how to avoid pragmatic failure in Chinese- English intercultural nonverbal communication, in the hope that people can have a successful intercultural nonverbal communication between English and Chinese. Generally speaking, this paper is made up of the following five chapters:

    Chapter one is the introduction which presents the necessity for the study on pragmatic failure in Chinese-English intercultural nonverbal communication and the reasons why this topic has been chosen. In this chapter the overall structure of the paper is also disclosed.,源^自,751"文'论.文]网[www.751com.cn

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