    摘 要随着中国经济的迅速发展,公示语在人们生活的方方面面发挥着重要作用。然而我国的公示语在翻译中仍然存在诸多问题,引起了翻译界越来越多的关注。本文主要采用对比的研究方法,并结合大量的实例,对公示语汉英翻译错误现象及其原因进行分析,并提出一些建议。这项研究为公示语提出了详实的翻译策略,旨在使公示语翻译更加规范化,从而有利于信息的准确表达,也有利于提高我国的精神文化水平和整体形象,具有文化和实用的双重意义。34543
    毕业论文关键词: 公示语;汉英翻译;错误;翻译策略
    With the rapid development of China’s economy, Chinese public signs play an important role in many aspects of people’s daily life. However, many problems exist in the translation of public signs in our country, which arouses more and more concerns in translation circles. This paper, by using the contrastive method and lots of examples, analyzes the errors and their causes of public signs in C-E translation and puts forward some suggestions. This research offers more detailed strategies for the translation of public signs to make the translation more standard. Therefore, it can not only give an accurate delivery of the information but also improve the level of spiritual culture and the whole image of China, which is of great significance in sense of both culture and practice.
    Key words: public signs; C-E translation; errors; translation strategies
    The Analysis on the Errors in C-E Translation of Public Signs
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. An Overview of Public Signs    2
    2.1 Definition of Public Signs    2
    2.2 Features of Public Signs    2
    III. Error Analysis in the Translation of Public Signs    3
    3.1 Types of Errors    3
    3.1.1 Linguistic Errors in the Translation of Public Signs    3
    3.1.2 Pragmatic Errors in the Translation of Public Signs    6
    3.1.3 Cultural Errors in the Translation of Public Signs    8
    3.2 Causes of the Errors    10
    3.2.1 Errors Caused by Culture    10
    3.2.2 Errors Caused by Carelessness    10
    IV. Strategies in the Translation of Public Signs    11
    4.1 Solutions to Linguistic Errors    11
    4.2 Solutions to Pragmatic Errors    11
    4.3 Solutions to Cultural Difference    15
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction

    A public sign is a special kind of writing style, which is intended to offer the public exact and helpful information. Public signs are set up to give people information, instructions, and warnings on the material of paper, wood, or metal with words or pictures. With the rapid development of the economy, the communication and exchange between China and the outside world are increasing rapidly. The public signs both in Chinese and English are more and more popular in China. However, there are many problems in the translation of public signs in our country, such as mistranslation, non-standard translation. It can not only affect the delivery of the information, but also damage our spiritual culture and the whole national image. Therefore, the study of the translation of public signs has become the focus of many experts and scholars.
    In 1959, two scholars, Vinay and Darbelnet began the research on public signs in their book Comparative Stylistic of French and English. Since the 1980s, some scholars in China have already conducted researches in C-E translation of public signs. Many  articles concerning C-E translation have been published in academic magazines such as Chinese Translators Journal, Chinese Journal on Translation of Science and Technology, Shanghai Translation, Foreign Language and Teaching of Foreign Languages, Journal of Xi’ an Foreign Languages College. Since 2004, increasing number of articles on the translation of public signs has also been published, particularly in the leading journals in the field of translation like Chinese Translators Journal and Shanghai Translation on Science and Technology. After entering the 21st century, the translation of public signs has become the hot topic in translation circle.
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