
    Abstract With the development of globalization, international business activities have become increasingly frequent and business negotiation is an important part of business activities. Since negotiators of different countries have different lingual habits, cultural background, ways of thinking and so on, cultural conflicts are unavoidable in business negotiation. Only cultural conflicts are solved can business cooperation among different countries succeed and negotiators can change a win-win situation. 69714

         This paper, based on the case study of Nantong Xinfei Textile Corporation, analyzes the causes and forms of cultural conflicts in business negotiation between Chinese and British, to work out measures to avoid cultural conflicts between Chinese and British, in the hope that unnecessary troubles in business negotiation could be avoided, and solid foundation for trade cooperation between Chinese and British could be laid.     

    Keywords: business negotiation; cross-culture conflict between Britain and China; measures





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Cultural Conflicts in English and Chinese Business Negotiations 1

    3.1 Goals 2

    3.2 Negotiation styles 2

    3.3 Ways of mkake decisions 3

    3.4 Ways to communicate 4

    4. Causes of the Cross-cultural Conflicts in English and Chinese Business  Negotiations 4

    4.1 Ways of thinking 5

    4.2 Culture values 5

    4.3 Customs and habits 6

    5. Strategy to Solve Cross-cultural Conflicts in English-Chinese Business Negotiations 7

    5.1 Fully prepared, know ourselves 7

    5.2 Clear objectives, master skills 8

    5.3 Mutual benefit and a win-win 9

    6. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited 10

    1. Introduction

         Cultural conflicts refer to the contradictory among different forms of culture and cultural elements and the mutually exclusive process. Negotiators successfully avoid the cultural conflicts are very important in business negotiations. Negotiators from different cultural backgrounds often use different negotiation styles and ways, and their communication styles and customs, etiquette, negotiation strategies differences appear. So how to avoid cultural conflicts in business negotiation for the success of cross-cultural business negotiation is of great significance.

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