
    摘要:本次毕业设计课题为铁钩工件成形及级进模设计,通过这学期的毕业设计有助于自身加强并深入对课本与课堂所学知识内容的了解,并对之前所学专业知识的实践利用有很大的帮助。正如我们目前所了解的,多工位级进模属于技术密集型模具,会在未来作为主要发展方向。本次论文中,在我对铁钩进行冲压工艺的性能分析后,提出几种冲压方案以便对铁钩工件的要求进行满足,并在进行对比考虑后决定采用多工位级进模的作为最终模具设计方案,其中分别有冲孔、落料、拉伸等工序。确定排样方案之后,在准备进行其中主要零部件的设计和计算。我在设计的过程中,主要运用了Auto CAD软件以及NX UG等软件,以此来完成大部分的零件的绘制及设计。另外,如在设计本课题的过程中遇到困难与疑惑,我也可以通过查阅相关资料或者运用网络资源进行解决,有效的锻炼了我对于突发问题及棘手问题的自主处理能力。 70172

    关键词: 多工位级进模;冲压工艺;Auto CAD

    The Process and Progressive Die Design of Hook

    Abstract: This issues for the design of progressive die for the forming of the the hook, this graduation design is helpful to strengthen my own learning and in-depth knowledge of the contents of the textbooks and classroom knowledge, and to practice the professional knowledge in the practical work. As everyone knows, general progressive die largely represents the technology intensive mold, it is one of the main development direction of stamping die in the future. This design work will put forward several solutions to the hook stamping requirements are satisfied, the design scheme and in comparison work using a pair of multi position progressive die as the final set of. The die includes several processes, punching, blanking, stretching and so on. After determining the layout plan, the design and size calculation of the important parts have been carried out. In my design process, I mainly use Auto CAD,NX UG and other software in order to complete the majority of parts drawing and design. In addition, the difficulties and confusion in the process of the design will be solved by  searching relevant information, it effectively improved my ability for emergency and the thorny problem.

    Key words: Multi-Position Progressive Die; Stamping Process; Auto CAD

    目  录

    1  课题的目的和意义  1

    1.1 课题的意义 1

    1.2 课题的目的 1

    1.3 文献综述   1

    1.3.1 我国的模具工业发展状况 1

    1.3.2 国内模具工业的发展趋势 2

    1.3.3 CAD/CAE/CAM的发展   3

    1.3.4 国外模具行业现状  4

    2  产品的设计要求和工艺方案选择 5

    2.1  产品设计要求5

    2.2  工业方案选择5

    2.2.1  零件分析 5

    2.2.2  工艺方案分析 6

    2.2.3  材料成型性能分析7

    3  模具设计计算8

      3.1  多工位级进模的排样设计 8

      3.2  排样前的尺寸计算   8

      3.3  材料利用率的计算 9

      3.4  排样计算   9

    3.4.1  排样方法9

    3.4.2  搭边值的计算 10

    3.4.3  条料宽度的计算 10

    3.4.4  步距的计算 11

      3.5  冲压力的计算12

      3.6  初选压力机13

      3.7  模具压力中心的计算15

      3.8  凹凸模刃口尺寸的计算15

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